The first movie chose is Dead Poets` Society (1989). This film tells the story about John Keating, eccentric teacher, who inspires students of a conservative American college to be creative, to make own choice in their lives. Though the main character in this movie is Keating, for this paper I chose another character of the film – Neil Perry, a student who became the victim of his parents` prejudice.
Neil Perry is a student at the college who dream to become an actor. But his parents, especially his father, are sure that the best career choice for their son is a medical profession. Inspired by his teacher - John Keating, Neil decide to fulfill his dreams and to perform the main role in a college`s theater play. But Neil`s parents do not want even to hear about professional preferences and desires of their son. After seeing Neil`s performance in the theater, father of Neil threatens to send Neil to military college. Neil suffers because of his father considerable pressure on him and makes the decision to commit suicide.
I believe that Neil becomes a victim of “age” and “prestige” prejudice of his parents. Saying “age” bias I mean that Neil`s father was sure that his son is too young to make own decision about his future, about his profession. Another prejudice of Neil’s father was that profession of an actor cannot be a serious or prestige occupation. As other prejudice, I can highlight the belief of Neil’s mother that she should not argue with her husband. So, however, it was evident in the movie that mother of Neil did not agree with her husband regarding his authoritarian style of communication with son, she did not dare to express her opinion.
Another movie I chose is Indian movie “Three Idiots” (2009). This movie also tells the stories about young students who break rules but achieve success. In the center of the film is the conflict between different views on what education should be. One view of an educational process is that students to get good education must carry out all recommendations of a teacher, to visited classes regularly and should not ever argue with their instructors, teachers. Another view is that the primary goal for a student must be to learn how to apply their knowledge in practice and learn to think critically and independently.
Rancho, the main character of the movie is not a victim of prejudice, he is rather a "witness" of prejudice, and he's trying to change and break stereotypes regarding the educational system. Rancho remains the best students at the university, but because of his unconventional views on education, the university`s director fight with him and all the time looking for a reason to exclude Rancho and his best friends from the University.
But in spite of the problems that arise in the life of Rancho, in the end, he becomes a winner, and five years after graduation Rancho turn into a rich and successful engineer, known for his inventions.
Two films of 1989 and 2009 are very similar to the script and the main ideas of the movies. However, in the movie Dead Poets Society attempts to break existing stereotypes lead to a rather sad end. Those characters who tried to break prejudices find themselves in an unpleasant situation. Neil committed suicide, and his teacher was fired and unfairly accused of responsibility for Neil’s death. In the second film, we show that the hero who acted contrary to the prejudices reached high results in life and became prosperous and happy.
In the second movie, the emphasis was put on the fact that to break and to go against the stereotypes and prejudices not only possible but necessary. At the same time, in the first film, it was shown that you can go against the bias, but it can bring much suffering to you. It is entirely possible that this difference indicates that in our time, people have become freer, society makes less pressure on the people's choice, etc.
Free Comparison Of Two Movies Of Different Eras Argumentative Essay Example
Type of paper: Argumentative Essay
Topic: Family, Cinema, Stereotypes, Students, Discrimination, Parents, Movies, Bias
Pages: 3
Words: 700
Published: 01/10/2023
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