Human resources are an important aspect of every organization. They are the key founders who play the role of the mentors, trainer and development for the organization. The human resources lay the foundation for the respective businesses as well maintain eh respective business related performance. (Altman 2006: 769) The human resources should maintain the respective business aspects that shall consider about the appointments, developments and the training of the employees in the organization. The human resources maintain the respective business development aspect and manage the resources of the organization.
Cenlow Limited is concerned about the expansion and developments program to deal with the basic aspects of improvement and expansion of the business. The business developments are expected through the ultimate developer’s strategies of Cenlow Limited. Further, the company is maintaining the respective development strategies to focus on the company human source strategies (Jaquet et al. 2009: 119). Further, the company is developing the respective marketing policies, strategies and the plans that best fixed the company. As well, the company strategic aspects are well developed to respond to the expansion and development program. (Altman 2006: 899) Cenlow Limited should develop the human resource program, which refers to the respective outcomes for the company, and develop the human resources required for the company. As well, Cenlow Limited should maintain the respective aspects for expansion and developments of the company policies and procedures. (Davidson 2011: 08) As well, there are respective presentations about the company programming operation and the development that shall expand the opportunities available in the company (Wahyudi 2014: 8). Cenlow Limited shall develop the respective operations regarding the resources of the company that ultimately manage the outcomes of the company and maintain the respective resources for the organization.
Cenlow Limited is expanding the business operations that shall contribute to the respective aspects of eth business and shall develop the respective human resources of the company. (Formadi 2009: 15) Cenlow Limited has maintained the goodwill, and the market share tat shall ultimately develop the company outcomes as well the financial aspects of Eth Company. The business develops the respective optimum resources to expand the business operations. (Huang 2012: 17) The business shall develop the optimum outcomes that shall manage the resources and develop the respective aspects of eth business (Overby 2005: 2). The ultimate business development aspects shall be considered through the expansion of the business related strategic aspects, which developed the strategic sources and ultimately maintained the resources of Eth Company (Lobanova 2009: 12).
The human resources factors for Cenlow Limited shall manage the outcomes and the resources to focus on the business development. The business shall maintain the resources and ultimately present the outcomes for the organization. The resources shall be managed through the human resource policies and develop the respective business strategic programs. (Chan 2007: 12) The resources of the business shall be concerned about the respective outcomes to consider the ultimate outcomes of the business and manage the resources for the business development. In addition, the business resources shall manage the better resources and plan for the future human resource strategies of the business (Nakagaki 2012: 03).
Literature review
The case study showed that Cenlow Limited is trying to deal with its expansion and development strategies that shall excel the company policies and the plans that would consider the respective aspects of the business developments programs. (Lavergne 2006: 03) Cenlow Limited is a point of expanding the business. However, the respective business strategies have enhanced the resources that have resulted in a better outcome as well the well-managed resources for the business development. The overall resources of the business shall be managed through the presentation of the human resource requirements (Nakagaki 2012: 03). The major aspects of the human resources in Cenlow Limited shall consist of the listing the human resource facts relating the human resource related policies of the organization. (Lins 2011: 07) The human resources of Cenlow Limited are concerned about the respective policies, strategies and the respective outcomes of eth business. There are a number of strategic actions that consider the respective action plans. Those plans would result in managements of the action plans as well result in eth better action plans of the company (Lundstrum 2009: 15).
Cenlow Limited is managing the respective outcomes to deal with the resources as well the outcome plans he respective training and development action plans (Kautz 2013: 12). Thos plans and resources shall result in the better planning and developments of the company resources. Human resources shall train and plan the outcomes regarding the respective policies and the respective outcross for the business (Kautz 2013: 11). There are a number of planned resources as well the action plans that would manage the company outcomes (Overby 2005: 4).
Cenlow Limited is dealing with the respective resources to plans and result in the better action plans that would result in better resources and shall outcomes the company in the company human resources. (Lavergne 2006: 8) Here shall be a number of action plans for the human resources tats hall regard the company external factors to result in the better outcomes and plans for the company (Lundstrum 2009: 7). Cenlow Limited shall consider the external and internal sources of the company. There are a number of respective outcomes regarding the internal and external factors relating the company resources. Cenlow Limited is dealing with the external and internal factors associated with the factors associated with the company policies. As well, the various policies of human resources shall deal with the respective outcome as regard to the company external factors.
This report shall consider the external factors affecting Cenlow Limited as well those policies that shall consider the respective aspects of the business (Male 2011: 14). Those business development aspects shall manage those external factors that would consider the respective detail programs and manage the resources relating the company relating policies. (Goh 2007: 5) Those resources shall consider those aspects to managing the respective projects, which would manage the company resources and relate the company management in regards to the management of the external aspects of the company (Talbot 1997: 130).
HR Strategy models
There are various models of human resources as relating to the external factors managements for Cenlow Limited. Cenlow Limited should consider the various resources of managements and respective company sources tats hall compliant the overall management as well the overall company resources. (Huang 2012: 13) Those company managements shall consider those aspects to managing the respective aspics relating he company sources. (Male 2011: 3) In addition, the company shall consider the orientation of the new employees, the hiring, training and developments about to the company shall play the most significant role to manage the resources of the company (Da Silveira et al. 2007: 457). As well, the company resources would be considered through the respective company managements and the managements of the overall profitability of the company (Nakagaki 2012: 16).
Environmental factors
These are the factors, which shall affect the performance of the company as concerned to its environment. The surroundings are related to the company resources that shall manage the company outcomes as well consider the optimum outcomes as reacted to the company. (Leong 2008: 5) There are a number of resources that shall manage the environment of Cenlow Limited. Since the company is operating in a competitive environment that shall consider the operations and development of Cenlow Limited (Steven 2007: 113). The environment is strictly competitive and attractive to the company. The company should consider the various aspects to managing the overall resources. In order to improve the profitability and manage the respective outcomes, Cenlow Limited shall manage those resources for the company. (Steven Male 2007: 8) Those outcomes shall manage the respectable outcomes for Cenlow Limited.
Cenlow Limited is the company to consider the various environmental factors relating the respective company sources (Oliveira et al. 2012: 703). As well, they shall manage the outcomes for the revenues recognition of the company (Renouf et al. 2010: 261). Cenlow Limited shall consider the resources of the company. Those respective resources shall support the company finances as well manage the respective outcomes for the company. (Chan 2007: 5) However, Cenlow Limited should consider the profitability for the company. Those respective outcomes shall consider those resources for the company to manage the Cenlow Limited’s outcomes. There are a number of outcomes that shall consider those outcomes to manage the resources for the company (Gross et al. 1997: 549).
Cenlow Limited should consider the competitive environment that would take care of the company-managed resources as well hose respective outcomes for the company. Cenlow Limited should include in those factors that shall consider the managements of the company and maintain its goodwill in the company. As well, those resources shall consider the optimum utilization of the company sources and manage the company performance.
Cenlow Limited should consider calculating about the advertisements and the performance of the company in the market (Geel et al. 2005: 230). However, there are a number of resources that shall manage the various aspects to manage the various resources for the company (Wahyudi 2014: 8). Cenlow Limited shall advertise for the optimum resources of the company to manage the overall profitability of the company. (Lins 2011: 11) As well, to make the good reputation of the company brands shall expand the company opportunity to expand the various outcomes and deal with the respective aspects of the company (Philpott et al. 2008: 1099).
Goodwill expansion through celebrity endorsement
The celebrity endorsements are another excellent plan to develop the company image as well, the company an ages the resources that shall consider the optimum aspects of the company. (Lavergne 2006: 5) The company shall consider the endorsement to the celebrity that shall ultimately expand the goodwill of Cenlow Limited as well manage the overall goodwill of the new company (Aerts et al. 2011: 1041).
Role of human resources in this regard
The human resources shall be concerned to present the respective developments policies to consider the company performance (Atkinson et al. 2002: 01). As well, there shall be a number of resources that would consider in the respective aspects for the expansion and developments of the company. As well, there are a number of resources to expand the company policies and ensure the availability of the company outcomes.
Human resource would plan the exact suitable celebrity that would suit best the company as well those realistic personalities that shall match the company. In addition, the company shall realise the number of factors, which are responsible for the resource development, and expansion of the company related sources. In addition, there shall be various sources to present the company various factors responsible for the optimum combination in the company. (Formadi 2009: 22) As well, the selection of the best suitable staff member why can carry on the business development and the action plans shall also play a vital role in the success and developments of the company (Olschewski et al. 2006: 11). Cenlow Limited shall be successful if the human resource of the company follows up the exact human resource dashboard to follow up the company related policies and projects (Alves 2010: 1241). Those respective policies shall manage the various outcomes for the available resources.
Market competition
The competition in the market shall be tuff for Cenlow Limited. Thus, Cenlow Limited shall consider the competition in the market to manage the various aspics of expansion and development for the company. In addition, the copy shall manage the availability of the company human resources to consider the availability of the profitable sources for the company that would result in the availability of revenues, and best suitable finances for the company. (Chan 2007: 21) However, the human resources should manage the ultimate outcomes for the sources available in the company (Morck et al. 1983: 419). Those respective outcomes would manage the outcomes to pursue about the respective factors resulting in the company sources. As well, the various numbers of factors as resulting to the company related factors shall be considered. Human resources shall consider the various aspects of the human resources in each division, aspect and the optimum sources to considerate respective opportunity for the company that shall manage the various outcomes for the company. (Lins 2011: 15) Thus, top deal with the market competition the human resources should consider the various opportunities that would manage the number of sources and plan an optimum combination for Cenlow Limited (Cuadra et al.2006: 429).
Corporate Social Responsibility and ethics
The corporate social responsibility of Cenlow Limited shall be considered to deal with the respective opportunities to meet the company liabilities. In addition, there shall be a number of sources to manage the overall resources of Cenlow Limited to maximise the company revenue as well expand the performance of the company (Blanc 1998: 670).
Economic conditions
Cenlow Limited should consider the economic conditions, the respective company resources and an additional company profitability that would make up the company expansion for the resources available in the company (Kostenberg and Marchaim 1993: 979). Cenlow Limited should maintain the respective aspects that would manage those resources of marinating the company resources and manage those company respective aspects (Bal et al. 2011: 800). (Lobanova 2009: 3) Cenlow Limited should develop the economic conditions as well the factors, and Cenlow Limited shall influence through its operations (Glomb et al. 2011: 127).
Technological advancements
There shall be a number of technological factors that would be considered through the respective company sources. As well, Cenlow Limited shall consider the latest technological operations that are available for the company and shall manage those sources of the company. Cenlow Limited shall present the respective outcomes of plan for the resources of the company and manage the financial details for the company. Cenlow Limited shall realise the availability of finances that shall best purchase the technology for the company.
The Competitive Environment
The environment for the company is highly competitive. Therefore, Cenlow Limited should relate the presentation of the facts regarding the company management. As well, the availability of the financial sources shall manage the respective aspects for the company (Anonymous 1997: 57). Cenlow Limited should prepare the resources for the competitive environments, which would ultimately develop the respective sources of financing and developments for Cenlow Limited. The Company shall deal with the competitive environments through the competitive policies regarding the optimum utilization of the company sources (MacLeod et al. 2006: 455).
Competition related factors
Government Policy and Regulation
THz is one of the major considerations, as Cenlow Limited shall face the respective concerned environments to face those competitive factors in the Cenlow Limited. The company shall manage those resources for the responsible company related factor and optimum outcomes for the company. (Chan 2007: 9) Therefore, Cenlow Limited shall consider the utilization of the well-observed resources in regards to the government’s policies and regulations (Büsser et al.2009: 14).
Demographic and social trends
The demographic factors, the well awareness of people residing there, taste, and fashion are the same factors that are held responsible for the success and developments of Cenlow Limited. In addition, Cenlow Limited shall optimally deal with the respective aspects of the company to deal the respective external factors for Cenlow Limited (Lins, 2011: 8).
Globalisation and international factors
The globalization of the sources, services and the scope of business expansion shall develop the respective sources to optimise the well boringness of the company. Cenlow Limited shall manage the resources of the optimal combination forth globalization and expansion of the company (Beer et al. 1998: 145). Those resources shall manage the respective outcomes in regards to the company. As well, it shall manage the sources for Cenlow Limited.
Customer Service and Quality
The customer services shall e another crucial aspect for the human resources. As he, human resources of Cenlow Limited shall have to consider the customer’s services as well the quality outcome as the priority outcome for the company. The company shall manage those aspects to consider the availability of the finances, the resources and the availably of the financial resources in the company (Murthy and Madhava Naidu 2012: 55). The company shall manage those aspects and manage those respective strategies, which shall be held responsible for the success and developments of the company.
Recommendations and conclusion
In the need, it could be concluded that Cenlow Limited is considering a globalization strategy that would consider the developments and expansion of the company. As well, it shall manage those resources that would maintain the revenue for the company and manage the resources for the expansion and development of the company. (Leong 2008: 8) Cenlow Limited shall consider the significant external factors that shall be held responsible for the success of the company. Therefore, the success of Cenlow Limited depends on the human resource external factors that the company would expand its resources. Overall, it could be consumed that the company should initiate more outlets through the training and development of the employees as well through the rooming of the human resources of the company. The development of eth human resources is an important aspect, which must be considered before handling the optimum resource development of the company. In addition, to the company respective development of the human resources, there shall be a number of detail aspects that shall be developed through the human resources. Company shall optimise the profitability and maintain the respective aspects of expansion and development trough their human resource development.
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