The term Human resource refers to data activities covering a large range of different activities. The job description of HR Professionals is firing and hiring new employees. Creating and sharing organizational cultures after merging. The HR office manages communication between employees and the management. Settling disputes and finding neutral ground for solving problems. They are responsible for creating programs that benefit the employees. They are in charge of navigating different regulations that affect different authorities. They also audit the firm to ensure that there is no fraud and compensate an employee in case of damage (Sofo, 2000, p. 50). It refers to employer roles, the effect, and also, the communication to the employer. The responsibilities differ based the responsibilities on the company`s size. Division in the HR department can cover many responsibilities, these are policy making and program implementation, and handling daily challenges that the company encounters. The biggest problem that the HR encounters is the development of leadership roles and the succession of the leaders. They provide the necessary processes, the frameworks and viewpoints for the selection of new leaders. Different leaders have different management plans and the adaptation roles fall on the HR team so that they can help the employees to cope with the change (Sofo, 2000, p. 50).
It can affect self-esteem of the employees. The staff might be challenged by the new leaders, according to their work roles that they were accorded by the previous management. The role is to be played by the HR who will assist in the Communication process and help the new leaders to cope with how the staff works.
The Survey proves that fear that is brought by change is because communication was not there or the communication process was poor this is the main reason that is responsible for communication. Therefore, the HR needs to come up with proper communication strategies that will improve the communication process. The role needs also the help of the new leaders to update the necessary change. There are tools needed for this process to bring the process to effect through auditing the employees and resolving the problems for the employees and the management at large (Armstrong, 2007, p. 86). The employee climate survey will bring out the problems faced by the employees and dealing with them effectively. The results of the survey will be added leverage for the HR in the change implementation and the effectiveness of the change implemented. Data is an important factor in establishing change necessary for the change. The survey needs data analysis and data mining to help in the process necessary for change. The new leaders will need to come up with leadership parameters necessary for the employees to overcome their resilience and with the help from the HR, which is important for the change. Attachment to the work of employees is important, in fact, when it comes to new management or leaders, and this will need communication to ease the anxiety (Armstrong, 2007, p. 86).
Conclusively, The responsibilities differ based the responsibilities on the company`s size. Division in the HR department can cover many responsibilities, these are policy making and program implementation, and handling daily challenges that the company encounters. The employee climate survey will bring out the problems faced by the employees and dealing with them effectively. The employee data of etihad for the year 2012-2013 was 67, 907 and the data for the year 2013-2014 was 75,496 the changes were attributed to the number of employees present. Operation data varied in respect to the employee, most of the profits can be attributed to the employees. In the year 2010 to 2011 the rise was 5.4 rise compared to the previous year then the next year was a drop though to 1.8. the year 2011 to 2012 the increase was upto 2.8 with a much better rise to 4.3 in the year 2013 to 2014 the productivity was upto 50.1% this was due to good communication between the employees and the management.
ARMSTRONG, M. (2007). A handbook of human resource management practice. London,
Kogan Page.
SOFO, F. (2000). Human resource development: perspectives, roles and practice choices.
Warriewood, N.S.W., Business & Professional Publishing.