The success of any company is not only dependent on the competency of the employees and but also for the contribution of the vendors. There are roles that need to be filled by the vendor. These roles are known and understood by the vendor because they are the ones who understand the system. The roles that can be aided by the vendor include designer, developer and technical writer. The designer role is because the vendor understands the process and what needs to be undertaken in the project. They understand the requirements and the procedures which they have been undertaking in the vending process. This is a role that they perfectly understand the project. The developer is also a role that is understood by the vendor as they understand the whole process. It will be better to have the role taken by the vendor. The technical writer is a role that is understood by the vendor as they understand the details of the products they supply. Internal employees do not understand the details of the products. The project manager will be tasked with writing the technical description of the products that is supplied.
There are advantages and disadvantages of using vendors in the process. The first advantage of using vendors as part of the project is that they understand the procedures that need to be undertaken. They will give the required details that need to be integrated in the development of the project. Vendors will come with new ideas and how they want the billing system to be undertaken. It is important to understand the procedures and develop the system to be in tandem with these procedures. Another advantage is that better analysis of the system will be undertaken. This is because the vendors will be acting as the users. Since they are the ones who understand and who undertake the process, the vendors will give valuable information that will help in getting a robust system. Another advantage is that the vendors will integrate the procedures that are undertaken in their respective locations. The procedures can be undertaken as one. Good vendor relationships will also be developed. This is because the process of the system is better understood with the knowledge that comes with the vendors. New knowledge will be achieved and integrated with the process.
One disadvantage is that there will be no formal way of managing and concluding the project. This is because the staff who are working from different locations. There are different cultures that practice in different organizations. It is difficult to harmonize the different cultures in the various organizations. It will be hard to bring together staffs who has been working in different cultures to work together and have one project. The conclusion will be hard to be reached at.
Another disadvantage is that of the management of the various tasks that need to be undertaken. It will be hard to manage the various tasks and deliverables of the project because they might have been defined differently from different staff from different organizations. A project which is well managed is that which is done under one roof and undertaken by staff who share common goals and objectives.
The budget will be difficult to be harmonized as there are various staff that come with different views about the costs of the various tasks. This is something that will need to be undertaken with a lot of difficulty.
Girtur, G. (2010). Information systems management. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Harrison, D., & Lock, J. (2004). Advanced project management: A structured approach. Illinois: Gower Publishing, Ltd.