Question 1: The premise that our society is different from what it would have been without the computer revolution is generally accepted. Is our society better than it would have been without the revolution? Is our society worse? Would your answer differ if your position in society were different?
Computers have changed the way the society used to operate. Initially, there were interactions, physical, when computers were not yet invented. This is no longer the case as people have turned to social media to interact. People are becoming so engrossed with their computers that they fail to visit one another. This was not the case when computers were not yet there as people had to be there physically in order to be considered social. In terms of social interaction, the world is not as good as it would have been without the use of computers. There is lack of sharing of feelings and social touch. In terms of communication the world is better than it would have been. This answer would have been different if I held a different position in the society. I would support the use of computers to be implemented in the society.
Question 2: Is it acceptable to participate in today’s technical society without making an effort to understand the basics of that technology? For instance, do members of a democracy, whose votes often determine how technology will be supported and used, have an obligation to try to understand that technology? Does your answer depend on which technology is being considered? For example, is your answer the same when considering nuclear technology as when considering computer technology?
It is acceptable to support the implementation of some technology without trying to understand how that technology is used. This is because technology is a dynamic thing. We are not able to understand everything in technology. I believe that any technology that is being introduced is for the good of the society. There are regulators and the people who will be concerned with ensuring that the technology that is being introduced will serve well. Not all of us are very good in technology and the only support we can give is by supporting its use because we will be able to benefit from it in some way. This is not the case when it comes to nuclear technology. There is a need to understand this technology before being accepted to be deployed. This is because nuclear technology is a political technology that is aimed at destroying masses. Nuclear technology is a war technology while computer technology is an innovative technology that will be used to enhance business process.
Question 5: To what extent should a government regulate computer technology and its applications? Consider, for example, the issues mentioned in
Questions 3 and 4. What justifies governmental regulation?
Governments should be allowed to regulate computer use. The extent of this regulation will go up to privacy concerns and security issues. If the users are at risk of losing their privacy, then the government will come in and protect the privacy of individuals. Another extent is when the security of citizens is compromised. The government should regulate the computer use in relation to the security of the citizens. The government should regulate computer use if the users seem to be exploited for lack of knowledge.
Question 6: To what extent will our decisions regarding technology in general, and computer technology in particular, affect future generations?
The decisions that we make today will affect the future use of technology. One of the decisions that will affect technology use is the access to information for everyone. The universal access to information is an important aspect of computer use and how it will affect technology in the future. This is because if people decide to have access to information consciously, then information literacy will be increased and enhanced. This information literacy will affect how information will be accessed and developed. It is important to understand that information use and access is affected by the current trends. Technology is developed basing on the current needs of the users.
Another decision that would affect future development of technology is the use of computer games. Computer games will affect the future development of games. This is because the children and the youth who play these games will be motivated to develop future interactive technologies.
Work Cited
Jackson, William. Internet ID system challenge: Balance security and privacy. Jan 10 2011. Feb 2 2014.
Nilles, Melissa. Technology is destroying the quality of human interaction. Jan 24 2012. Feb 2 2014.
Sandberg, Anders, and Sodoberg, Robert. Computer generation: Visions and demands. 2003. 2 Feb 2014.
Silvia, Maria Patricia, and Dias Guilherme Ataide. “Theories about technology acceptance: Why the users accept or reject the information technology?” Brazilian Journal of Information Science. 1.2. 69-86. 2009. Feb 2 2014.,d.bGQ