Assess your existing leadership competencies – Identify strengths and weaknesses (Helms 216)
Decide which competencies to enhance this year – Draw on and develop your strengths
STEP TWO - Articulate your vision
Overall vision for upcoming year and following 3-5 years
STEP THREE – Got Goals!
Make vision happen-- Define SMART goals for upcoming year
For each specific goal, answer the 4 questions:
What—do you want to accomplish?
When—do you expect to achieve this goal?
Why—do you want to accomplish this goal?
How—will you accomplish this goal?
STEP FOUR – “Action Plan” Your Way to Success
Write down your goals and your plan
Identify specific action steps (consider the 4 questions above and two more: Where? Who?
Include time frame and resources
Consider obstacles and alternatives
Works Cited
Helms, Marilyn M., and Judy Nixon. "Exploring SWOT analysis-where are we now? A review of academic research from the last decade." Journal of strategy and management 3.3 (2010): 215-251.
Johnson, Shannon, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner. Transformational Leadership: Transformation of Managers and Associates. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, EDIS, 2002.
Ames, Daniel R., and Francis J. Flynn. "What breaks a leader: the curvilinear relation between assertiveness and leadership." Journal of personality and social psychology 92.2 (2007): 307.
Hesselbein, Frances, and Marshall Goldsmith, eds. The leader of the future 2: Visions, strategies, and practices for the new era. Vol. 84. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Podsakoff, Philip M., et al. "Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors." The leadership quarterly 1.2 (1990): 107-142.
Conger, Jay. Charismatic leadership. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 1988.