Compared Centervale crime rate
If the levels of crime in Centervale were to be compared with those of Alabama or Alaska, one would easily realize that the highest level of total crime is found at Centervale. In real sense, the highest rate of crime is found in Alaska, with Centervale and Alabama lying slightly behind and close to each other in numbers. The highest population is found in Alabama while Alaska has the least population; however this does not imply that Alabama is not a secure place to reside. In datum, a person would desire to reside in either CenterVale or Alaska. Centervale has the least rate of aggravated assault as compared to that of Alaska although Alaska has the least rate of robbery as compared to the respective level in both Alabama and Centervale (FBI, 2013).
When searching for a new habitation to reside, one should always make the great decision of checking out how the state, county, city or suburb hold up in contrast to other similar habitations with respect to crime levels (Boba, 2006). No single individual has the courage to reside in a place where he or she is afraid to leave his or her residence. In focusing on the actual figures, one would realize that Centervale has the highest number of crimes; followed closely by Alabama; with Alaska coming a distant third. However a concentration on the crime rate presents a differing appearance; Alaska has the highest crime rate, trailed by Alabama, with Centervale coming third. Both Centervale and Alabama have a similarly low rate percentages of crime. The major problem faced by Alaska is alcohol associated crimes which are considered secondary to crimes in other states in the United States including Alabama and Centervale.
Information Importance
The information presented are of great significance because of the increasing concerns which most families and individuals have with respect to crime, not only in their communities, but also the places they might consider relocating too. It is essential to realize the approaches and strategies which are being utilized in the efforts to reduce the crime rates. Each community has some type of strategy or approach which assists in enduring that adolescents and children are kept off crimes. Lastly, crime is a serious problem faced by each society. The criminal activity is not only dangerous for the residents but also expensive. The harshest crimes being murder and non- negligent manslaughter were reported at 519 which was a high figure; indicates that high costs are associated with the investigation and prosecution of these crimes (FBI, 2013).
Variation in definition of crimes.
Crimes are typically categorized as misdemeanors or demeanors basing on the nature and the all-out punishment which can be imposed (Bottomley& Coleman, 1981). In the case of the Centervale, Alabama and Alaska, the definitions of crimes differed basing on their respective enactments. In Centervale, manslaughter include criminal homicides such as reckless driving, while with the other states, criminal homicides are define in their own.
Focusing on the crime statistics, it appears that the crime rate at Centervale is on the rise. The harshest of the crimes which is high as compared to other counties or states is Murder and Manslaughter. This indicates ineffectiveness in the current crime control policies. In order to turn around the trend and manage the crime levels in the county, it is critical to address crimes with appropriate strategies and approaches. It is also important to ensure that effective crime control policies are in place (Wilson & Petersilia, 2011).
Boba, R. (2006). Crime analysis and crime mapping. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Bottomley, A. K., & Coleman, C. (1981). Understanding crime rates: Police and public roles in the production of official statistics. Farnborough, Hants, England: Gower.
FBI. (2013). About Crime in the U.S. (CIUS) By offense, by region, by state, by local agency. FBI. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012
Wilson, J. Q., & Petersilia, J. (2011). Crime and public policy. New York: Oxford University Press.