In order to ensure thatUSCYBERCOM is effective in its operations, there is need for sufficient communication from the US ARMY. This gives the force a direction on the key areas to focus on. The US government ought to provide sufficient funding since this area can grow and new technologies are always coming up. Sourcing of experts from leading firms and institutions of higher learning to run the facility is another approach of ensuring coverage of a large scope of cyber space security (Winterfeld and Andress, 284).
Lessons to be Leveraged From theOperational History ofCyber Warfare
The introduction of the USCYBERCOM in response to cyber warfare was timely. This is especially so because of the role of intelligence in any kind of warfare. Secrets of the country’s defense mechanism require protection from hacking by foes. However, citizens raise concerns over the infringement on their right of online privacy, as there are fears that all cyber activities are under constant monitoring.They should be reassured of their privacy and rights even in the online world. However, the creators of this branch of security argue that its sole purpose is to secure the military, and not militarization of the US cyber space (Libicki, 485). This has strengthened the security of the nation. However, other countries have adopted similar technologies to boost their security. Therefore, the department should always be a step ahead through continuous research.
Building Operational Capacity in the Cadre of Cyber Warfare Personnel
The DOD acknowledges the serious threats that may arise from cyber warfare. Therefore, recruitment of new personnel has been ongoing. The cyber warriors will receive training to developa shield against upcoming cyber-terrorism mechanisms. The technical capabilities of the DOD and USCYBERCOM require revamping to ensure that they are pin-point accurate in locating new threats (Harrison, 187). However, adequate measures to ensure that the employees are extremely loyal to their country are necessary.
Organizing the Force to Best Leverage the Various Authorities and Capabilities of Each Component
The force comprises of several subunits. Each unit should operate independently and within a certain mandate. This autonomy ensures protection of various key areas. Furthermore, fitting the cyber warriors into various subunits based on their area of expertise will be a smart move (Rattray 341). The operation of the USCYBERCOM ought to be under monitoring by State House and they should report to the President to ensure maintenance of the highest degree of security.
Works Cited
Libicki, Martin C. Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2009. Print. (,+Martin+C.+Cyberdeterrence+and+Cyberwar&hl=en&sa=X&ei=WGYYU4qqJsuRswbp-oGIBQ&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Libicki%2C%20Martin%20C.%20Cyberdeterrence%20and%20Cyberwar&f=false )
Harrison, Dinniss H. Cyber Warfare and the Laws of War. New York: Cambridge University
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Rattray, Gregory J. Strategic Warfare in Cyberspace. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press, 2001.
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Winterfeld, Steve, and Jason Andress. The Basics of Cyber Warfare: Understanding the
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