1. There are certain situations where we practice selective behavior that favors certain traits. A lot of times when individuals are acting as a member of certain groups, their actions are usually tailored towards being in conformity with those of other members of the same group. For instance a prominent member of a certain professional organization may decide to listen to a particular brand of music and because other members of the group interact with the individual and look forward to them as an important personality, others might also want to listen to the same brand of music. Also, if members of the same group are together on a trip, they might be inclined towards engaging in similar behavior.
2. My relationships would definitely change to conform to that of the newer generation. I foresee myself seeing some of my parent's behaviors as obsolete and out of tune with the reality of the present day. Moreover, the older my parents get, the more independent I am because I would not have to defer to them in making major decisions in my life. Also, the trend of emotional dependence would tilt towards me. i would be more needed, as opposed to the time when I am young and I need them. They would need me more for emotional support among other thimgs.
3. DNA replication is the process whereby genetic material which is stored in the DNA is duplicated into two separate, genetically identical two copies for the purpose of perpetuating the genetic material in progenies. The relationship of DNA polymerase to DNA synthesis is that it adds corresponding nucleotides to the template of new DNA strand that is laid down during the process of replication.
J Kyrk (2013). DNA Replication. Retrieved from <> on 12th June 2013.