English –Creative Thinking
Chapter 4
In Chapter 4, Tolle explains how Ego functions through role playing. Ego wants to find a way of getting what it wants. It is always playing a role. Sometimes it might be through seeking attention, sometimes through lack of attention or even pity from others. Some will seek positive attention, and when they don’t get it, they might go for the negative attention (54).
We all have a role or function to play in the world. Some are doctors; some are counsellors, some parents, some teachers. These functions become role playing, and in some cases they become the individual’s identity. When this is the case, there is no more freedom and in order for a person to free from their role playing he or she needs to realize first of all that there is a difference between the role and function and him or herself (56).
It is also important to realize that most people behave differently according to whom they are dealing with. (58) The reason behind this is because the ego has agendas. It is essential to identify this behavior to be able to work on it (60). The way parents treat their children are one example. Just because adults know more does not make them superior (61). It becomes worse when parents lose their identity because they cannot separate themselves from their role of being parents (61). They try to become more complete through their children (62)
Tolle explains that mastery of life is about finding a balance between the human and the being (65). Human alone is not enough, we need the being, and to achieve this, we need to be alert and in the presence of Consciousness (65). When we play roles, the ego is in control, but when we are in the presence of Consciousness, and we stop playing roles we have no hidden agendas, and our actions have more power (67).
Ultimately, ego creates division, division between the being and the roleplaying. And division causes illnesses (77). This is my favorite part of the chapter because unity is essential. God as a superior being is simple. Thus, it is very interesting how the more unified we are, and the less we allow our ego to take over, the more simple we are and similar to God. However, if we divide ourselves, we get sick.
There is a well-known doctor, MacLean, studied the brain, and his theory is that there are three brains in our brain. One of these parts, the Limbic system, is the one that supports the physical basis for the dogmatic and paranoid tendencies, the one in charge for subordinating rational thoughts to feelings. He found great danger in this part of the brain as it is the one making the value judgments instead of the neo-cortex. MacLean theory is in favor of other spiritual theories that there is a brain for the soul, one for the body and one for the spirit. If it is true, and the Limbic System is dominated by Ego it is not surprising that a person can become divided and become mentally ill.
Tolle, Eckhart. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
The Triune Brain: Your Brain