Discussion One
The importance of addressing issues related to personal risk and safety in the workplace can never be underestimated. All employers should ensure that the workplace is safe for employees. They should implement safe work systems and train the employees on issues related to personal safety (Health Protection Agency, 2006). To guarantee the long-term personal safety of the employees, a risk and safety policy is largely recommended, where the employer establishes the safety and risks issues that confront the workers and develops an elaborate management plan to address them (Alexander, 2002).
Discussion Two
In most instances, people always overlook the importance of emergency preparedness because they imagine that it is daunting and unnecessary. Moreover, many people are unaware of where to start; therefore, they never start at all. It is important to develop a practical and realistic emergency preparedness plan for it to succeed. As a result, individuals are always urged to take small steps that make a difference (Reilly and Markenson, 2010).
Discussion Three
Emergencies related to communicable diseases occur without warning; therefore, any health facility should develop a formal risk and safety plan to help them deal with such cases. Ideally, an emergency preparedness plan should be developed to decrease the vulnerability of staff, as well as patients, to communicable diseases by lowering their exposure to risk factors. Notably, any plan should include the process of training the staff in detecting the threatening disease conditions (Alexander, 2002).
Discussion Four
Workplace violence can involve visitors, clients, employees, employers, or customers. The institution should implement a zero tolerance plan towards workplace violence to deal with instances of workplace violence. Such a plan should cover all clients, employers, employees, customers, and clients (Mullen, 2013). After the implementation of such a plan, all workers should be aware of its objectives and understand that the management would investigate and reprimand all claims of violence (Wilkinson, Lewis, and Dennis, 2010).
Discussion Five
Partnerships are always important during emergencies. Specifically, they create an opportunity for the different players to combine skills and resources to achieve results that a single organization cannot achieve on its own. Furthermore, they strengthen the leadership capacities of local organisations (Mullen, 2013).
Discussion Six
Indeed, it is clear that the centre has an emergency preparedness plan that adheres to the DHA & FEMA guidelines for creating such a plan. Nevertheless, having a plan is not enough. The facility should ensure that all its employees understand their individual responsibilities during emergencies (Mullen, 2013).
Alexander, D. (2002). Principles of emergency planning and management. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Health Protection Agency. (2006). Health emergency planning: A handbook for practitioners. New York: Health Protection Agency
Mullen, S. (2013). Emergency planning guide for utilities. New York: CRC Press
Reilly, M and Markenson, D. (2010). Health care emergency management: Principles and practice. Washington: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Wilkinson, F., Lewis, L., and Dennis, N. (2010). Comprehensive guide to emergency preparedness and disaster recovery. Pennsylvania: Diane Publishing Company