The democracy has been considered as the best known model to govern and yet in comparison with the non-democratic regimes have some advantages over democracies. There are various dimensions of governance and the paper will focus on presenting the advantages found in non-democratic regimes versus democratic ones. Based on the World Bank (n.p.) there are 5 dimensions of governance. The first dimension is the structure of government, second structure and accountability of political leaders, third a public sector management, fourth entry and competition in the private sector and the last the civil society voice and participation. All dimensions differ between democratic and non-democratic regimes.
The non-democratic regimes are not responsible to the society for their actions and there is no plurality in the decision making which means that desired decisions can be quick decided and also implemented. There are no opposing sides that would deter the implementation. The decisions are therefore quicker. Because there is homogeneous in the governing system, the system is also more stable. There is less spending on elections and the state apparatus. The nondemocratic countries also spend more on the military, which means they are more secure and independent from others for protection. Their incumbency advantages are different (Gil, Martin, Mulligan, 3-30 and Alesina, Rodrik, 2-39).
Based on the Cameron (3) the non-democratic regimes are achieving greater finical stability. Prior the financial crisis the superiority on the democratic regimes in economy and finance sphere was seen, but in the light of the economic crisis the non-democratic regimes better handled the situation.
Every system is different from country to country and the comparison between the democratic and non-democratic regimes in their advantages and disadvantages is very broad topic. In the paper only advantages were represented for non-democratic regimes. Among them, they are usually the quick decision making and implementation of policies, less money spent on the state, more stability, and more self-reliance on the protection with more investment in the military sphere. There are pros and cons in every political system and based on the governance dimensions the advantages of the non-democratic regimes can be found in the first three dimensions and not in the second two with the civil society participation and completion of the private sector.
Work cited
Alesina, Alberto, Rodrik, Dani. Distributive Politics and Economic Growth. 1991. Web. 10. Mar. 2016.
Cameron, Fraser. Asia: Through the Looking glass of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis; Is Liberal Democracy Best Form of Government to Produce Public Goods? 2012. Web. 10. Mar. 2016.
Gil, Richard, Martin, Xavier Sala-I, Mulligan, B. Casey. Do Democracies Have Different Public Polices Than Non-Democracies? 2004. Web. 10. Mar. 2016.
World Bank. What are The Main Dimension of Governance? N. d. Web. 10. Mar. 2016.