Group D has been tasked to deliver a concept ideation report explaining the reasoning behind the chosen concept that will be constructed to achieve the goal set out in the Warman Design & Build Challenge 2016. This concept ideation report has been completed in order to reduce the likelihood of error in specifications and function, manage costs, mitigate risks, and evaluate the expected success of the final concept. [1]
This report explains the approach and principles utilised by group D to create a comprehensive design. The principles utilized will include: The Development of Product Specifications, Development of Functional Analysis and Concept Ranking. Development of Product Specifications is conducted in order to meet the requirements of the design project. Functional Analysis is conducted in order to identify critical features needed in the final concept. Concept Ranking is conducted in order to rank possible designs and easy identify the most appropriate concept. Utilizing all three principles will result in a well-informed final concept design.
The concept ideation presented in this report aims to deliver the most suitable, effective and comprehensible design solution. Thorough analysis has been made in order to ensure that appropriate principles will be implemented. The ranking and comparative table including all significant factors is presented in order to distinguish the best combination of design and approach.
Production specifications are based on the needs of the concept set out in the Warman Design Brief. Each specification is listed to ensure the expectations of the brief is understood. Values are given to each specification in accordance to importance as seen from an agent and costumer point of view.
A Quality Function Deployment (QFD) diagram is created in order to measure the relationship between engineering specifications and customer requirements. A quantifiable measure of relationship between the engineering specifications and customer requirements is represented in each cell. A higher relationship represents which specification must be achieved to the highest standard. [2]
2.1 Quality Function Deployment
Figure 1. Quality Function Deployment
Figure 1 shows financial needs of the customer have to be prioritized as they have given a rating of 24 percent and 20 percent respectively. Similarly, during the conceptual design phase, data collection will have to be given more attention with a rating of 16 and 12 percent respectively. Designing occupant interface can be relaxed as both customers have given smaller ratings of 5% each from each.
Customers are the essential component of every mechanical engineering design project. Quality Function Deployment is the structured tool that defines customer needs and requirements to translate them into specific design approaches that cover the identified needs. The customer voices can be captured using surveys, interviews, observations, field reports or warranty data among other specific issues. In other words, they require the inclusion of engineering measures, the voice of engineers, to follow the customer requirements.
The engineer has to determine the wows, wants and musts in differentiating between customer perceptions and design reality. It is determined by the initial matrix known as the house of quality and takes into account the most relevant attributes and qualities of the design product [3]. After the attributes and qualities have been prioritized, they are deployed to the appropriate section of the entity for action. The QFD identified will reduce the product development cycle considerably and ensures absolute improvements in customer satisfaction rates.
2.2 Dependencies
Dependencies are created if design specifications relate either positively or negatively on each other. Dependencies that have been found in Figure 1. are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows the undesired negative dependency between the force of the system on the pipe and the force of the load .
Figure 2. Dependencies Diagram
Development of the Functional Analysis of the Product
Functional analysis entails an exploration of new concepts and discussing their architects. For this section, functional analysis works to refine the functional requirements of the new product, relate the functions of the produce to the existing physical components and ensure that all the essential components are identified, and no non-essential components are outlined and create an understanding of the parts if the new product. In other words, the functions are the key part of the product and not the components. Functional analysis seeks to reduce manufacturing costs by avoiding unnecessary components. However, often this method shrinks the product development to a rudimentary form of functioning.
After a series of observations and discussions it was decided that the crucial aspects of the robot will be important in serving functionality. The various suggested prototype consisted of diverse components to allow movement of the robot on the pipe as well as sideways. During this stage, the product had many potential solutions to guide its design and manufacturing. Functional analysis differentiates the many available options and offers ideas that yield the highest advantages to both the manufacturer and the customer. The design process of the complex system involves three specific parts; conceptual design, preliminary design and detail design. Functional analysis plays a considerable part in each of these three phases but is more necessary during the conceptual design phase (Maritan, 2015). Integration of the developed solutions was matched against the following functions of the robot:
Autonomously drive forward
Travel sideways along the pipe
Ability to cross a gap and drive to another platform
Selection of the important functions was identified from the issues in the design brief. First the robot has to be autonomous. Similarly, the prototype must bear the ability to cross over the narrow valley as stipulated in the design brief through the pipeline already in place. Since the robot has to cross from one pipeline to another, it must entail an ability to skip from one pipeline on to the next one. The two pipelines are on different platforms and it is paramount that each of these functions is met to allow the prototype to skip.
Since the prototype will move from a higher step to a lower step, the design allowed for more RAM space in custom programming to suit this function. Trend monitoring is also highly prioritized in this section. Speed is essential as it will ensure the prototype delivers the payload in a short time. Weight, size and security were considered negligible and adjustable during the design phase. The size of the prototype can change depending on the specific components required after the design. For security, the robot will transport the payload without additional units. It is paramount to keep the size, and weight of the prototype at a minimum so as to reduce energy consumption but they will not affect functionality. Financial cost is ignored provided it fits within the budget provided by the design brief.
Figure 3. Customer Needs Diagram
Figure 4. is the fast diagram identifying the primary and multi-level functions associated with transport and cross goals.
Figure 4: Fast diagram
4. Brain Storming
Concept A
Concept A’s base is constructed out of a rectangular piece of metal. The front section of the base is cut out in a ‘U’ shape. The ball will be positioned in this ‘U’ shape and restrained by two bent arms with the circumference of 12 inches. The two rear wheels will provide the robots movement and the front will consist of 2 ball bearings. This will allow the robot to easily perform cornering motions. On top of the base will be a beam that will raise and lower. On top of this beam will be a wheel and motor. Once the wheel and motor reach the pipe they will lock over the pipe then traverse the ravine.
Concept B
Concept B’s base is constructed out of a square piece of metal. This base has four wheels on each corner providing the robots movement. On top of the base will be a scissor lift supporting another base of same dimensions and the payload storage and ravine crossing mechanism. The payload storage will consist of four arms angled upwards. The ravine crossing mechanism will be the same wheel and motor mechanism described in Concept A.
Concept C
Concept B’s base is constructed out of a square piece of metal. This base has caterpillar tracks to provide the robots movement. On top of the base will be a scissor lift supporting another base of same dimensions and the payload storage and ravine crossing mechanism. The payload storage will consist of a Velcro strip to hold the ball. The ravine crossing mechanism will be a hook and winch system.
5. Concept Ranking
Concept B has the highest relative effectiveness, slightly costlier than the cheapest option and the best overall effectiveness to cost ratio. Therefore, concept B will be constructed to compete in the Warman Design & Build Challenge 2016.
6. Conclusion
This concept ideation report evaluated the expected success of the final concept B by utilizing The Development of Product Specifications, Development of Functional Analysis and Concept Ranking. Development of Product Specifications. Concept B will meet all of the Warman Design and Build Challenge requirement and is expected to be a relatively cheap and highly effective in achieve the goal set out. Finally, the ideation concept B presented by Group D illustrates that this approach is expected to show better results in the process of developing technical and design spеcifications, risk analysis and comparative overview on the most crucial elements of the project implementation. By providing cost-effective and high quality solution for the concept ideation, the approach described in the report is expected to fit the goals set by the customer.
7. References
[1] Ertas, A. & Jones, J. (1996). The Engineering Design Process. 2nd ed. New York, N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[2] Product Design and Development Chapter 5 Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.
[3] Maritan, D. (2015). Practical Manual of Quality Function Deployment. Cham: Springer International Publishing.