Dear Happy and Piper,
Congratulations to the both of you and I am happy to know that you are newly engaged and in love with each other so dearly. I would like to introduce myself, I am Peggy Little, a student at Ashford University taking up Interpersonal Communication course. I will be more than happy to assist the two of you as you step into the world of marriage. I believed that I am able to impart to you some knowledge concerning how interpersonal communication is necessary in your relationship especially that you are engaged with each other recently.
Let me address the knowledge from the course I learned as a sort of words of wisdom to assist you grow as a couple as you enter the wonderful world of marriage, to keep and maintain a strong and healthy relationship. I hope that after you read my letter, both of you will be able to witness the limitless foundation of a relationship to a long – lasting bond.
The important things I learned from class are very informative, educational, and effective. Through my own learning, I would be happy to share to you the following that I surely believed open your minds and hearts to embrace the knowledge sincerely and apply it to yourselves. There are more or less five focal points based on what I learned on Interpersonal Communication course at Ashford University:
- Recognize how words have the power to create and affect attitudes, behavior, and perception.
- Understand how perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships.
- Define emotional intelligence and its role in effective interpersonal relationships.
- Describe strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts
- Recognize how self – concept and defensive and supportive messages and behaviors create positive and negative communication climates.
For your better understanding about interpersonal communication, I will provide the
basic concept of interpersonal communication; it plays a vital role in people’s daily existence. With its guiding principles, we cannot simply ignore it. Interpersonal communication is the most significant way and an accomplishment to be considered as well. Through communication, people are able to learn the needs, ideas, and emotions applicable to any conversation. It is simplified in a manner of two – way process, the sender, and the receiver who both exchange their messages that contained ideas and emotions respectively.
how you manage to use every word that you would like to express. These perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships. If a person thorough understand the process then there is no way to be disoriented about the fact especially nonverbal expression should go together with the perception that is well – interpreted and understand in reality bases.
If you learn to develop interpersonal relationships, certainly, your relationship as couple will be a great success compare to those who do not embrace and never will embrace it at all. An effective and personal communication stands at the core or heart of every relationship with friends, professional colleague, family member, and especially significant partner in life. Let yourselves enjoy the essence of effective interpersonal communication skills.
The key in building what you really desire in a relationship, as a couple is to develop the interpersonal relationship faithfully. The way you interact with your body language, the specific tone of your voice, and the genuine expression of your face are very significant in order to avoid conflicts. I would like to emphasize that interpersonal relationship is more than just the verbal communication between you and your partner. Communication is much with your gestures and body language compared to your words or voice.
Learn to cultivate how and when to communicate; equally show your willingness to listen with your partner. A successful communicator is a good listener. To flourish interpersonal communication relationship is the ability to listen to the other person attentively. Listening skills is significant, if you lack in the development of interpersonal relationships and desire to improve it then I recommend you to develop your skill in listening. Through a well – developed listening skill, you will be able to create a positive communication climate.
I hope that the focal points I shared to will bring you happiness and fulfillment in your love life. I strongly believe that your bond as a couple will surely stay firm through the years to come. If you will apply everything I shared to you about the interpersonal communication relationship then it is not impossible that your special relationship as couple will stay strong, healthy, and productive. You will live happy ever after despite some odds or conflicts that will come your way. Everything will be going easy if you accept the imperfection and always have the heart to develop and improve yourselves in a manner of communicating constantly in an effective way the best as you could.
I would like to say good luck to the both of you and may the God Almighty shower His blessings to you.
Duba, J. D., Hughey, A. W., Lara, T., & Burke, M. (2012). Areas of Marital Dissatisfaction
Among Long-Term Couples. Adultspan Journal , 11 (1), 39-54. 16p.
Hartley, P. (1999.). Interpersonal Communication. New York. Retrieved from
Segrin, C., & Flora, J. (2005). Family Communication. Mahwah, New Jersey. Retrieved from