Ancient scholars discovered that the earth and universe are very old but many people take this for granted (Dr.Terry 2003). According to recent studies, the idea has been rejected since modern scholars have proved otherwise. The facts of earth being old was developed through geology but htis was opposed by scriptural geologists.The findings obtained then are very essential for not only understanding relationship of Christianity to science but also getting the educating students on current arguments creation,evolution ,social, spiritual and moral implications thereof.
History of Creation
During 18th century,many myths of explaining naturalistic and evolutionary nature of earth were developed. God was left out from the image of explaining the origin of universe.However,during 19th century three views were generated. Catastrophists believed creation was complicated such that main catastrophic floods destroyed a huge percente of living organisms that were replaced by God . Uniformitarians believed recent geological changes worked with similar intensity,rate and power of history(Dr.Terry 2003).Hence they ignored explanations of source of life f. Finally, scriptural geologists trusted Bible baccount of six days of creation.
Scriptural Geologists
Most geologists who dealt with scriptures were clergymen even though some were lay people.This included trained scientists.Only a small number were smart in geology not only because of field study about fossils but also due to extensive reading(Dr.Terry 2003). Their writings raised, philosophical,geological and biblical objections against the original earth theories. Scriptural geology is very important because there is sufficient evidence that what people believe with reference to the past affects extensively the reason of life values, relationships with other people and moral behavior. The impact of this is witnessed at the community, national and personal levels. Several churches suffer the compromise and error of this even up to date.
Article Strengths
Most significantly, current investigations on sociology of information and cultural athropology has indicated reasoning framework which brings the real globe into a very comprehensible form.This is evident whenever scientists constructs an identification formula in classification. Previous experience, institutional loyalties, early training, theoretical outlook and personal temperament have all created connections in defining specific boundaries about science of the earth which is very essential in modern studies.Many Geologists evinced the merits of divine Revelation and foreseeing by maintaining moral proportions(Dr.Terry 2003).Therefore,the article gives room for any scientific and philosophic modification,interpretation, or denial. The output of this is time will unfold and open pages to national scepticism, apostacy,infidelity and fear of God will help in creating moral and ethical society.
Article Weaknesses
Irrespective of well informed and significant biblical, philosophical and geological objections with regard to uniformitarians and catastrophists theories,findings from most scientists were cold shouldered and misrepresented.Nevetheless,they were never refuted. Reason being,tthe article had a weakness of conflicting philosophical facts and worldview. The unacceptable forms of atheism and theism are united againist Christianity (Dr.Terry, 2003). Also, Christians absorbed several of the anti-christianity philosophical assumptions which were covred in scientific explations in early days. Therefore,the article is somehow unstable because it is dynamic.
Naturalism has generally failed as a globe view.Reason behind this fact is there exist unshakable scientific evidence which compels evolution. Also naturalism has ignored philosophical explanations for a just and moral society. It should be known that evolution is confused to be the reason of society and moral chaos. Instead scientific justifications which reject existence of God were the main cause of society evils like exploitative capitalism, racism, Nazism, and communism). The hope for the reversal and halt of the moral decadence in the East and West is the reinstating of people to bibilical word and God, which offers us the acceptable history of evolution of earth.
Dr.Terry M,(August 5,2003)The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century.Journal of creation 18(1):22-26