This study explains the relationship between quality management system and goals and objectives of the University. It was examined, that there is a certain practical impact from applying quality management tools in achieving goals and objectives in Universities. As a result of research, right chosen and properly developed model for strategic quality management in University facilitates the improvement of educational processes and achievement of a set strategy, however it is a practical issue of identifying system that is the most appropriate and the most effective.
Technology, communication and virtue will be elaborated over in order to present a model for strategic quality management in University. Increasing evidence suggests that Strategic planning and Total quality management have to be investigated simultaneously when an organization experiences structural change or existing at the initiating stage. The goal of this research paper is to undertake a study and analyze the best quality management model for University. In order to have a clear picture of the whole collaborating work and study system at the University the systematic approach includes such areas of problem solving as: presentation of the problem, investigation of reasons, discussion and negotiation, conclusion and finding tools to improve processes. Model for strategic quality management in University can vary depending on the working environment, legal issues, economic stability (financing), business processes, objective of the institution and organizational structure and there are several reasons for it.
Firstly, Universities have a long process in achieving goals, because it is a huge system that requires such players as government, private sector, students, employees, ministry of education or other administrative institution and many small businesses as suppliers of goods and services. Management team of the University have to set the prior goal in the whole process, as the situation is changing and there is a risk to fail. Secondly, in most countries and from the very origin from the moral side it is considered that Universities are created and exist as non-profitable organizations, according to this statement making revenue shouldn’t be the first goal of the University. Most high ranked Universities are competing for the best students and highest employment rate other for the leading place for research and innovations. Nowadays in high competitive world, the main aspect of productivity is the achieved result and it is important to make it first. Therefore, in order to monitor the processes, to evaluate the quality, the model proposed to be experienced through the technology, communication and virtue. Thirdly, model for strategic quality management can work in a certain condition, but can be useless in other conditions. In addition, management team has to consider variety of actions to improve quality management.
In order to understand what the strategic management means, it is better to identify the meaning of the word strategy. With a simple words strategy is a way of using special tools in order to compete and execute successfully operation plan. Total quality management is used in most organizations and reflects the whole process of collaboration of all departments (Hoyle, 2007) It is considered useful to implement total quality management system in Universities.
As for Technology, it can be a specially developed technological platform, database, equipment or any application that can process a big amount of data and monitor the processes. Technological devices play crucial role nowadays. Universities have to be technologically developed enough to create comfortable conditions for research and development. Laboratories, co-working spaces, offices – most of facilities in University are required to be technologically equipped. The first reason why technology takes an important role in order to ensure excellence in achieving goal is precise data and speed of modifying the information. Deadlines and timing is one of the objective aspect of judging in nowadays highly competing time.
People are the main aspect of any organization, especially in Universities, where people skills influence the quality of education and working processes, each person has to be highly qualified and responsible. According to the proposed scheme of evaluation the excellence, virtue is a source of transparency and fairness. Based on research it was found out that people with intrinsic motivation strive to work more efficiently and more result oriented following the designed plan of actions, that reflects all possible advantages and disadvantages. Virtue can be used as a tool to grade the level of moral and enthusiasm.
In understanding and finding the best tool to ensure quality in achieving goal, Universities should make a comparison test and trial test for each proposed tool.
First of all the set goal should be clear and achievable with identified timeframe and oriented results. Many sociologists suggests to set the goal according to SMART system, which means specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound. Secondly, all the actions in achieving that goal should be monitored and controlled to ensure the right direction. Universities can apply different checklists, audit programs to control the quality of the performance. In most cases, it help to avoid drawbacks, however human aspect is also important. Therefore is would be useful to organize short comprehensive meetings to highlight the main problems and try to find better solution through brainstorming process and discussion. Certainly, the meeting should be followed by the conclusion of ideas and results. Regarding the implementation process again communication and virtue is important to maintain in a proper way to apply decided tools that aimed to improve the system.
In most cases the right dedication to the functions and full engagement, not the time is a key to success and high performance, (Loehr, Schwartz, 2005). Managers in University should monitor the engagement of each employee, it also depends on the follow up. When there is a set plan and each employee knows his responsibility and timeframe it helps to reach the goal.
Strategic quality management is a systematic approach for setting and achieving the goals and objectives (Saloner, Shepard, 2001). University should approve the standards that follow and define organizational philosophy and action plan. Defining mission and vision is an important aspect of understanding the stream of strategic quality management. During the establishing period Universities should define, what is their global impact has to be in order to stand out from the competition and make a positive change in educational system or research sphere.
Total quality management and strategic planning helps Universities to succeed and provide with tools to apply for improvement and competitive advantage. According to David L. Goetsch (2009) strategic planning tools can be used while creating developing plan. Plan of priorities helps to evaluate the needs and possibilities and also helps to set the real time frame.
Goetsch, D.L. (2009). Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality (6th Edition). Prentice Hall. 350
Gostick, A. (2009). The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance. Free press. 256-268
Hoyle, D. (2007). Quality Management Essentials. Routledge. 120-126
Loehr, J., Schwartz T. (2005). The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time is the key to high performance and personal renewal. Free press. 170-178
Saloner, G., Shepard A. (2001) Strategic management. Wiley.146 - 150