Electricvehicles (EV) haverevolutionizedtravel in thatthey are viewed as a solution to economicand environmental problemsrelated to dependence on oilandthepollution that is brought about by consumptionandcombustion of fuel by vehicles.Essentially, as oilreservescontinue to diminishoilpricesriseand consequently transportation costs rise as well. Other than theeconomicimplication of costescalationoilusedforfuelingvehiclesresults in theemission of Green House Gases (GHGs) which eventuallyresults in environmental degradation (Office of Energy Development). Thispaperanalysespositiveandnegativeimplications of theuse of electricvehicles on theeconomyandtheenvironment.The Prime function of EVs is to enhanceefficiencyand effectiveness of transportation. To thisend EVs havebeendeveloped to be fuelefficientso as to save on costs of transportation.Moreover, EVs havebeendevelopedso as to reducedependence on fuel based modes of transportationdue to theeverincreasingprice of oilall over theworld. Likewise, theprimeobjective of EVs is also to reduceoildependence as a source of powering vehiclesforthesake of environmental conservation. In thisregard, EVs are designed to replaceoil with electricity as a source of energyfor powering vehicles (Shiau, Smarasand Hauffe 2).
There are three types of electricvehiclesnamely; Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs). First, EVs are batterycharged in which casetheyincorporate a battery that can be chargeddirectly from theelectricitygrideither at homeor from a chargingstation. EVs are efficientforshortdistances as suchvehicles cannot run on a chargeforlongdistancejourneys. HEVs, on theotherhand, incorporatebothbatterypower, andtheconventionalfuel powered combustionengine. HEVs are self-sufficientsuchthatthebatterycomponent of thevehicle can be charged through regenerative breakingordirectly from thecombustionengine. Howthe HEV works is thatbothfuelandbatterypowers can be used one at a timeinterchangeably. Whatitmeans is thatthe HEV is effectiveandefficientforlongdistances since fueldepletion can be substituted by batterypower until thevehicleis refueled. The PHEV is similar to the HEV with theonlydifferencebeingthatwhilethe HEV’s batterypower depends on fuelthe PHEV does not since it can directlybe plugged in theelectricitygridchargedandused. On theotherhand, the HEV cannot run on electricity without fuel since electricity is generatedandstored through fuel. Nonetheless, PHEVs and HEVs are effectiveandefficient in longdistancetravelsbecausethey can conserveenergymuchlonger than EVs (Office of Energy Development).
Theimmediatelyobviousadvantage of EVs that comes to mind has to do with costsaving. To thisendresearchconductedon energyefficiency of electricvehiclesrevealsthatcostsaving is relative to charge coverage. Hence, PHEVs, Conventional Gasoline Vehicles (CGVs) and HEVs comparedifferently based on thedistance between refueling andchargingpointsfor a givenmileradius. Nonetheless, electricvehicles (PHEVs and HEVs) are more cost-effective compared to CGVs; hence, EVs can be economically viable as theimplications of EV transportation are reducedcosts of travel (Green Car Congress).
Thesecondadvantagethat EVs present has to do with theenvironment, electricvehicles unlike CGVs do not producesmokeandincidentally EVs excluding Hybrid typesdo not evenhave an exhaust pipe. Thus, EVs are environmentally friendly since theydo not contribute to smogformation. According to the Ontario Medical Association, Smog isresponsiblefor between 9000 and 10000 deathsannually in theprovincethatthehospitalis based inalone.Electricvehicles are found to contributeverylittle to nosmog at all. Therefore, EVs present environmentally consciousvehicleconsumers with alternative options to theuse of transportation that does not contribute to thedilapidation of theenvironment. More importantly, EVs compared to CGVs do not contributemuch to greenhousegas (GHG) emissionsand,thus, are environmentally friendly. Thefuture of EV transportationpromises to revolutionizethemanner in which theenvironmentis conservedbecauseproduction of EVs will result in lessdamage to theenvironment through GHG emissions (Todd, Chen and Clogston 73).
Thirdly, the EVs presenteconomicadvantages in regards to fuelefficiencyhence, reducingthecost of fuelused in transit. HEVs and PHEVs havebeenfound to utilizefuel efficiently. Forthemostpart,thevehicles are powered by electricity, resultantly, internalcombustion of fuel in theengines of theelectricvehicles is reduced in terms of capacity. Hence, theneed to purchasefuelalsodeclines; as a result,drivers can save on costs of fuel that is themainaim of buildingelectricvehicles (Gonder and Markel 5). Moreover, electricvehiclespresentcustomers with energysavingalternatives that alsosave on costsincurred in theacquisition of such technologies. Forinstance, carowners can purchase renewable energy technologies such as solarpanels that can be used to recharge their vehicles. Further, windenergy is anotheroption to consider which can be effectivelyutilized in thegenerationof electricityfor theelectricvehicles.Hence, an individualwhopurchases a renewable energy technology forcharging EVs serves to save on energycosts by a greatmargin (The State Government of Victoria V).
In thesamerespect, benefits of utilization of greenenergysourcesor renewable sources of energy in chargingelectriccarsalsotranslate into environmental benefits. As The State Government of Victoria explains, greensources of energyreducecarbonemissions into theatmosphere that serve to reduce environmental implications of GHG. Furthermore, thecostsincurred in eradication of environmental damageoccasioned by carbonemissions in theatmosphere are alsoreduced. Therefore, theuse of electricvehiclesresults in costsavings through efficientuse of greensourcessuch as windpowerandsolarpower (IV).
Finally, implications on thehealth of thepeople can be improved through theuse of electricvehicles. Other than the environmental conservationadvantagesthat EVs present in line with theuse of electricvehicles, Kintner-Meyer, Schneider and Pratt observethattheuse of electricvehicles enhances thehealth of individuals since they are not exposed to toxicgasemissions that are characteristic of conventionalgasolinepropelledvehicles (Kintner-Meyer, Schneider and Pratt 3).Essentially, theuse of electricvehiclescuts down theemission of GHGs in theenvironmentthat improvesthe wellbeing of thecommunity from GHG-related illnesses. Resultantly, thepopulationgains economically whentheysave on costs that could havebeenincurred in the treatment on health-related complicationsarising from vehicular emissions of GHGs(The State Government of Victoria IV).
Centrally, theadvantagespresentedherein are four in numberthefirstregardsthehealthandwelfare of the population which translates into costsaving in healthcare. Secondly, anotherpositiveeconomicimplicationregardsfuelefficiency that thentranslates to savings on consumption of oilandpetroleumproducts. Thirdly, electricvehicles are greenfriendlysuchthattheydo not produceharmfulgasemissions into theenvironment.Assuch, theenvironment is sustainedwhilecosts of reclaimingtheenvironment from pollution by GHGs are alsocut down. Finally, theuse of electricvehicles has beenproven to be economically friendlyorcosteffectivedue to saving on fuelcosts that alsoenhancecostsavings in energy through renewable sources of chargingelectricvehicles.
Notably, cost is a disadvantage in theuse of EVs as much as itis regarded as advantageous. It is mainlydue to theinitialprice that is placed on purchasing a batteryfor an electricvehicle. Thus, thecost of batteries is directly proportionate to the size of thebatterythat is alsoproportional to its power in terms of capacity. In essence, thebigger a battery is, themorepowerthatit can hold, however, thispresentscostimplications in regards to the pricing of thebatteries. As a result, the overall pricechargedforelectricvehiclesremainsremarkablyhigh which makeselectricvehiclesexpensiveand beyond thereach of affordability formostpeople. Consequently, thehighcost of batteriesrenderelectronicvehiclesexpensiveleadingeconomistcustomers to preferoperating CGVs since they are affordable (Kang 6).
Furthermore, there are costimplications that are as wellrelated to theinstallation of infrastructurenecessaryforensuringthatelectricvehiclesare provided with thecapacityrequiredfor recharging. In thesameregard, electricitybills are projected to increase in line with increases in charges levied on theimprovedcapacity of power on theelectricgrid. Thecost of providingsufficientpowerforcharginggrowingnumbers of electricvehicles is burdening to theelectricitygrid. To thisend, theelectricitygrid is supposed to be developed to meetelectricitydemand by thegrowingnumbers of electricvehiclesbeingproduced. In addition, thecustomerorelectriccarpurchaser will incurhighcostsrelated to charging their vehicleseachtimetheyconnect to theelectricgrid to recharge. Ultimately, it is projectedthatproduction of moreelectricvehicles has theeffect of stretchingdemandformorepowergeneration that may overstretch theresources currently available. Assuch, thecost of upgradingtheinfrastructure to meetgrowingdemandsprovesoverbearing on the taxpayer (Hadley and Tsevtkova XV).
Similarly, as much as pollution of theenvironment will be reduced with theadoption of electricvehicles, it is as wellinteresting to notethat PHEVs in somenotableareas will result in thepollution of theenvironments.Thisfact is owing to theemissions of Sulphur-dioxide and mercury that is produced during thegeneration of electricity. Incidentally, thegrowth in theproduction of electricvehicles will requirethatthepowergridis expanded in terms of its capacity. In a sense, thepowergrid’s expansion will eventuallylead to theproduction of moregreenhousegasesemitted during powergenerationsuch as Sulphur-dioxide. Basically, coalused to generateelectricpower will result in environmental degradation by adding GHG emissions into theenvironment, as a consequence, global warming will eventuallydepletetheenvironment. However, the GHG emissions as a result of burningcoal to produceelectricity compare negligibly to when CGVs are used as a means of transportother than electricvehicles (Samaras andMeisterling 3170).
Finally, another environmentally hazardousimplication of electricvehicles is thefactthatthey are quitedangerous in regards to roadsafety. Unlike theconventional CGVs, EVs are quitesilentbecausetheydo not producenoise. Assuchpedestrianswalking along thestreet cannot be alerted of a vehicleveering off theroad. Evenworse is thecase of disabledpedestrianssuch as thedeafandtheblindwho may rely on vibrationsorthe rumbling engineandthesound of themotor to notify them of theproximity of an automobile. Hence, crossingstreets in an electricvehicle populated city will presentdangerousinstancesforpedestrians (Zivin, Kotchenand Mansur 16).
In essence, thenegativeeconomicand environmental implications of electricvehicles are three-fold as presented. Foremost, thecostimplications of the acquisition of electriccars is at a recordhigh attributable to thehighcost of acquiringelectriccarbatteries. Similarly, thegrowthanddevelopment of technologies in electricvehiclesserve to createmoredemandforelectricity. Consequently, thecostsincurred in developing a capacitycapableelectricgridproveimmenseand, hence, costly to the taxpayer. Secondly, theenvironmentalsosuffers from pollution that is generated by electricvehicles, specifically, EVs that usecoalpowergeneratedchargingpoints to charge their batteries. Resultantly, EVs contribute to theemission of GHGs into theenvironmentalthough in smallerproportions as compared to CGVs. Similarly, the environmental safety of pedestrians is wantingbased on thegrowingnumbers of electricvehicles on theroads. Primarily, electricvehicles are silentdevoid of rumblingsoundthat CGVs enginesproduce. As a consequence, roadaccidentsinvolvingpedestrianswhocrosstheroad without havingtakencautionstands to rise.
Centrally, thepaper has presentedbothpositiveandnegativeaspects of electricvehicles based on theanalysis of economicand environmental implicationsthatbothpresents. In essence, thepaperliteraturesreviewedhavefocused on environmental pollutionandcostimplications of theuse of EVs, PHEVs and HEVs. Variousadvantagesanddisadvantagesrelating to theseelectricvehicles in comparison to the CGVs havebeendiscussed. Primarily, thepaper is a detailedliteraturereview of theeconomicand environmental implications of electricvehicles as theycontinue to gainpopularity in contemporarytimes. Theinformationdetailedhereinprovesusefulforgovernmentinstitutionsandmanagement of vehiclemanufacturers as well as thegeneralpublic on thebenefits versus demerits of electricvehicles to theeconomyand to theenvironment.
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