Plato was a great philosopher who introduced a lot of concepts to the science. One of such notions was the Plato’s understanding of the cosmos and forms. Thus, one world is the world of being. It is always is and has no becoming. This means that it is unchangeable in time. On the other hand, there is a world of becoming. According to the rules of this realm, everything here is born and dies. It is becoming somebody or something but never is. The world of forms can be realized through understanding but not through the senses. The cosmos can be apprehended with the help of sensation. Though the cosmos has been created using the world of forms as an example, these two realms are different in their comprehension. Cosmos cannot be realized but only felt by a person. On the other hand, forms can be understood but never felt.
The Wachowskis used a lot of elements from different philosophical approaches in order to create one their well-known masterpieces, The Matrix. Most probably, the Plato’s analogy of the cave also contributed to the amount of concepts developed in the movie. The myth of the cave describes prisoners who are locked inside the cave. The only reality they see is shadows of passers-by behind them. They do not understand that their world is fake as they never saw anything else except the shadows. However, one of the prisoners manages to get rid of the bonds and set free. He is scared and hurt by the reality but then he gets used to it. In the Matrix Neo is shocked when he is informed that all the people are just batteries for the machines. It is hard for him to accept such perception of the world as he has never thought of it. Thus, Neo symbolizes one of the prisoners from the Plato’s cave who was chained but found his way for freedom.
Free Essay About Answers
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: World, Philosophy, Plato, Cave, Reality, Understanding, The Matrix
Pages: 2
Words: 350
Published: 02/20/2023
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