The district is getting negative publicity because of the way they handled a special needs kid’s case involving one of their bus drivers. The best move would be to own up, offer an apology, and commit to fixing the problem. It is also vital that the district board corrects the mistake by fixing cameras and hiring extra monitors.
There are three possible professional standards addressed in this case. First, teachers and school boards should treat students like persons. Second, teachers, bus drivers, and district boards work in tandem to participant in the lives of all kinds of students including those with special needs. This standard includes installing all possible measures aimed at protecting their rights. Third, school boards should be effective when handling cases involving staff misconduct.
I do not agree with how the district handled the bus driver’s situation. It is part of the district’s mandate to offer mechanisms that protect the rights of all children. In this case, they admit that they could not afford to have a monitor on the bus. However, they were lenient to the bus driver even after discovering what she had done. It only took the intervention of the media to have them address the issue with the intensity it deserves.
First, the need to change could look into improving the classroom and school culture. Such a policies target the need to respond to an issue that disrupts the character of a school. In any case, a chaotic atmosphere requires calmness while a rigid environment requires flexibility. Other change instances under this category include dress codes, counseling, and disciplinary mechanisms.
Second, schools change in response to a school district’s requirement to meet the needs of various groups such as minority students. School administrators and the school district could implement a policy targeting services related to special needs students. It would be vital, therefore, for the whole school population to change in their favor. This group encompasses students with disabilities and immigrants.
Third, schools may want to change as a result of rampant security issues. The current American school system exists in an environment where shootouts and gang-related violence have become commonplace. This issue would mean implementing policies aimed at protecting students from physical and psychological violence. For instance, instituting patrols and metal detectors may be a necessary move to prevent possible violence.
Finally, poor academic performance may prompt a school to implement various academic-oriented programs. Some of the solutions here include changes in educational content, curriculum, student expectations, tutorial techniques, class sizes and teacher autonomy. However, there are better performing schools that would still want to improve their educational experiences. Such schools go for exciting measures such as the provision of advanced learning textbooks, interdisciplinary mechanisms, and advanced placements.
I agree with the video on organizational change. The reason is that the author borrows a lot and expounds on the basic elements of successful change as highlighted by Kotter and Kilmann in the coursework material. The presenter outlines three factors that can help create a positive effect within an organization during a change. These factors include involving everyone, identifying key influencers, and solving obstacles.
In essence, the presenter’s idea of involving everyone aims at enhancing the culture of communication and team dynamics. This aspect is vital to change because it recognizes every member of the organization as an important addition to the process. If any case, the change affects everyone in the organization. Therefore, it would be essential to take them through the need and importance of change.
Second, one needs to identify as well as utilize key influencers. As stated by Kotter, key influencers are part of the coalition that will help guide and communicate the change. Kotter further notes that these guys should have the credibility, expertise, and leadership skills to help drive change. An exciting element in the video is that influencers can be anyone, from the mailman to the top executive.
Finally, change managers must identify and find solutions to overcome obstacles. The presenter acknowledges obstacles as inevitable in the contemporary working environment. That said, obstacles can be anything and anyone opposed to change. However, it is important that the team develops a perfect solution to solve the barriers.
I could transfer to a new school. This anticipated would imply having to start over afresh. I am indecisive about such a change. On one hand, a part of me is excited because I know change is inevitable. Most of my friends are also excited about this move and have offered to offer any available support. However, the other part knows that I could lose most of my friends in my current school if I make this change. I might also fail to settle and make new friends at the new school. Finally, I know I must have to prove myself to the new superiors.
Haw’s behavior best describes my current feeling on the anticipated change as mentioned above. The following is a description of how he would have handled the change. First, the situation starts with Haw at my current school. Hoping for a change, Haw applies to a new school and gets an acceptance letter. Given this chance to move, however, Haw initially lives in denial of the importance of change. A huge part of Haw’s obstacles is his current colleagues, who are quick to discourage him from making the move.
Nonetheless, after some time, he begins to realize that the change is unavoidable. At this time, Haw will discover that with fear comes an opportunity to venture into new and exciting grounds. The solution to his puzzle would be as simple as accepting the offer and moving on. Haw decides to move to his new post despite his friends’ objections. However, before he moves, Haw has a final advice to his colleagues, urging them to embrace change.
At the new post, Haw adapts with ease and starts becoming successful. Again, Haw informs his friends at the former school about the new fortune. However, the guys are still resistant to change and would have nothing to do with Haw’s new life. Clearly, their relationship is dwindling in as much as Haw tries unsuccessfully to find a sustainable solution.
Both students and teachers in the urban education system encounter more challenges than their counterparts from suburban and rural schools. For instance, teachers in urban school systems are more of provisional hence highly likely to experience transfers. Also, on average, urban schools possess a significant amount of enrollment that cuts across all kinds of students.
Given these reasons, it is critical that urban educators arm themselves with the following tools in anticipation of change as outlined in the clip. First, they should look for as much information as possible on instructional techniques and best measures. Their primary objective is to follow dynamic methods that prove effective in the changing world. Second, it would be vital to generate their personal ideas about change and address any obstacles to successful change.