The processes of colonization and decolonization play a significant role in the social processes, in the society. The social aspects in colonization and decolonization shows portray more of social aspects than political aspects. The governance of people is effected after the people themselves have changed. The process of decolonization goes hand in hand with the process colonization. The processes of the colonization and decolonization involve understanding the social issues. The experiences of the people in the society helps to explain the processes of colonization and decolonization in the society.
The process of colonization involves various steps. Colonization involves denial and withdrawal of the cultures of people of the indigenous communities. The colonialists assume that the culture of the indigenous people has no value. The indigenous people interacting with newcomers tend to withdraw from their cultural practices. The indigenous people may even join in the ridicule of their own cultures.
The colonialists also engaged in destruction and eradication of the symbols of various indigenous cultures. This involved even burning of the art and the god images of the indigenous cultures. The aspects of belittlement, denigration and insults, are also involved in the colonization process. The churches in England criticized the existing cultures. The churches and colonialists condemned the worshipers of the traditional gods in Canada. The religions of the indigenous people in Canada were criticized as evil and immoral.
The remaining aspects of culture are used by the colonialists in order show the leniency of the colonialists on the indigenous people. The colonialist used various aspects of surface accommodation in order to show the ignorance of the indigenous people. The respect of the old folks is faked by the colonialists.
The cultural aspects that survived the colonial period are transformed and integrated into current cultures in the society .The cultures are transformed in order to fit colonial aspects of cultures. The priests have also accepted the indigenous languages in Canada. The indigenous musical aspects have been incorporated into the modern culture.
The process of decolonization helps the people to recover from the torture and trauma they went through during the colonization process. This involves helping people to appreciate their cultural values and aspirations. This also shows how the people in the society tries to make the social order after the colonial period. This is shown by how the constitution of Canada was changed in order to fit the post-colonial needs in the society. The legal aspects of colonial society are amended in order to fit the needs of the post-colonial period.
The aspects of colonization had a great impact on the languages in Canada. Some of the indigenous languages have been eroded due to the effect of colonization in Canada. The nature of languages and sentence structures of the indigenous languages was affected by the introduction of colonial cultural practices and languages. The new vocabularies and terms were introduced to the indigenous languages in Canada leading to a general decline in the use of indigenous languages. The ability to speak in the indigenous languages was tremendously affected by the introduction of the new languages during colonization in Canada. The flow of speech in the indigenous languages was also affected by the foreign languages introduced by the colonialists during colonization in Canada. The impact of colonization on the languages of indigenous people of Canada was high.