Dissent is one of the most widespread manifestations of social conflict when someone’s views are contrary to or do not meet the expectations of the specific community. Dissent can be called a synonym of combination of human will and critical thinking. When the will and critical thinking are connected with the human ego, dissents can occur sometimes. Given the high prevalence of this phenomenon, this paper is an attempt to analyze dissent in non-traditional organizations.
The most common areas where people express their dissent are the places where people spend a lot of time. Such places are a school, the family and the church. Of course, these areas are not the only ones, but nevertheless they are the most striking. In order to understand the mechanics of dissent, it is necessary to give an example from life practice. There is a family in which both parents have a master's degree. They almost do not use it in life, but very proud of it. It should be added that the father of that family wanted to get a PhD, but due to life circumstances, he could not. And now this unrealized ambition he wants to realize through his children. This family has two daughters. The older daughter completes all the requirements of father about education. So after receiving the master's degree, she spent five years to get a PhD. It may seem cool, but the family is living in a country with high levels of corruption, where the doctoral degree can be easily bought. And those who seek a PhD on their own, like an elder sister did, receive nothing but damaged nerves and five per cent supplements to the salary. Thus, while the older sister realized the dream of her father, he was not satisfied and now he motivates her to reach new scientific heights. But this is only one side. On the other hand, there is another daughter of the family. She received a bachelor's degree just to have a diploma, and then went to work. While for other young people this is normal, this girl’s father began to force her to get a master's degree because "otherwise, she will not be considered a personality in society." The younger daughter shows dissent till these days and tries to argue that the master’s degree does not make sense to her, since she does not want to teach, for example. And yet, every phone conversation, every meeting with the relatives turns to her to hell because every time she has to show dissent and respond to numerous inquiries, questions and stories about the master's from her relatives. And it seems that such an example of dissent will never come to an end, unless the younger daughter gets a master's degree and then a doctorate.
Scientists are also exploring the concept of dissent. Research by Landier, Sraer, and Thesmar (2009) about optimal dissent in organizations show that dissent may even be beneficial. In case of dissent, the decision process is often supported by an objective (though private) information. The problem is always the same: dissent is always caused by internal impulses, which is a manifestation of the human ego. As a result, the debate becomes not objective, although it should have been. The authors add that «dissent can be optimal, in particular, when information is useful and uncertainty is high» (Landier, Sraer, & Thesmar (2009).
Summing up, it should be recalled that the dissent is 'the human manifestation of critical thinking. It is a good sign that a person develops and critically analyzes the values (or needs), which are suggested by the society. Thus, the dissent may be manifested in different spaces, but its nature is basically always similar.
Landier, A., Sraer, D., & Thesmar, D. (2009). Optimal dissent in organizations. The Review of Economic Studies, 76(2), 761-794.