I have come to learn a lot about effective communication skill in this course. I have now known those tactics of being in control during meetings; especially when the obligation is on me to lead a group. From this course I am able to build and develop my lack of confidence in communication and trying to consolidate it into a more professional state. I am very fragile and weak before undertaking this course, and I could easily be frightened and keep ideas to myself rather than speak up in public meetings.
I have known that to be in control during a meeting is very germane, especially as a leader or a moderator. There are some stubborn participants during meeting who will want to create a scene and make themselves recognized by disrupting the meeting. I now understand some tactics of derailing these detailers. According to Obuchowski (4), as a leader during a meeting when someone is trying to disrupt the meeting it is best for the leader to speak out explicitly and cut short issues that have been lingering on for long. Also, apportioning time to when each point will be discussed closes the room for an issue to continue to linger on for too long. It is also suggested that setting up parameters, as in time each contributions will last per individual is germane. Using sign languages is very good in controlling any form of disruptions and cutting short detailers of meetings.
Having being equipped with such knowledge and ideas for effective public speaking and taking charge of meetings, my confidence, which was very fragile before, is now bolstered. I can now effectively communicate and see room for more development to becoming a professional good communicator.
My weakness is that I still have to build more on my shyness. Sometimes, because of avoiding attracting embarrassment I fail to express some very good ideas that would be very useful, even during class activities and other meetings.
I have come to understand there is no gain or reward without pain and taking risk. So, with effective communication skill like clear pronunciations of words, well coordination explanation of ideas, learning how to overcome distractions, listening when other people are speaking and taking notes of their key points, are all these are very important to effective communication. I will continue to practice effective communication, having these aforementioned communication aid tools to become that professional communicator that I desire.
Work Cited
Obuchowski, Janice. ‘Your Meeting: Who’s in Charge?’, 2013. Harvard Management Communication Letter.