This story takes place from the age of eighteen to twenty four, I was bored with the way things were in my life such as living at home with my parents, dealing with idiotic neighbors, working a job I hated so I can have money in my pocket to pay my rent. All the while, none of that brought me any happiness. I graduated from high school at the tender age of 18, and I was not sure what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. So I got a job, and did I hate it. I had a boss that always assumed that he knew what he was talking about, so I wanted to get another job (cause) so I could get away from him and do something that played more to my strengths. I was always good at thinking, so I got a job as a telemarketer because it was a little more matched to my abilities (effect); I was nineteen at the time. The telemarketing job was okay, but it did not keep me satisfied for very long because it was a stressful and competitive environment; that prompted me to get another job (cause).
At age twenty, I got a job as a banquet housekeeper at a hotel not far from where I live because I loved to clean (effect). However, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. I worked there for a year, and got to a point where I wanted to do more with my life so I started looking to possibly explore other moneymaking avenues (cause). The effect of this is that I did find another job that I thought was a little less stressful, but all it did was stress me out even more. So for the next two years, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life because I kept saying to myself, there has got to be more to this. I worked a few more jobs at age twenty one, and twenty two but I still felt like something was missing; this caused me to look into going back to school to find what I was missing in my life. (Cause). At 23, I enrolled at a local Ivy Tech Community College to work toward getting a college degree (effect). During the 8 months that I was there at the school, I felt like I was really getting a chance to live my dream as a college student who found some purpose in his life; not that I did not have any before now but more so. However, I found that the work was way too easy for me and it made me feel like I was in a remedial high school English class. Make no mistake, I am not frowning on those who were in the class because they wanted to better themselves; for them, the class was a challenge.
For me, the class was an insult to my intelligence to put it bluntly. I did not feel challenged at Ivy Tech so I started looking into going to school out of town (cause) which gave me the motivation to look into universities instead of community colleges (effect). At the age of twenty four, I was enrolled at Indiana State University, and I felt like I was home at last. I got a job within the first few days on campus and was going to class full time. However, I found myself going to class less and working more (effect) which put me in a position where I had to choose between working and going to class (cause). According to the article titled Effects of Working and Studying at the Same Time, a line in the article stated this: Working students get fired because they try to take advantage of their free minutes at work to do schoolwork. So lack of time will ruin both of them and you will not succeed on either one. Simply put, I was trying to work to put money in my pocket so I could I enjoy my college experience more (cause). Unfortunately, in so doing, I did not have any time to do or even get a jump on any of my homework because my energy reservoir was tapped; I had nothing left to give (effect). Ultimately, I chose to cut my hours from working 8 hours to working 4 hours which was good because I was able to get a lot of work done (cause). Also, I was given a second chance by my 4 professors to catch up on all of the work that I did not do. (Effect).
Work Cited Page
"Effects of Working and Studying at the Same Time." . N.p., 18 Apr 2012. Web. 11 Apr 2014.