In the recent years the growing support for same-sex marriage has been observed ("The changing landscape of same-sex marriage"). The advance in the attitude towards the issue of gay marriage is prescribed to the qualitative changes in the society and results in a stronger legal representation of the matter.
According to the results of different surveys, the support for same-sex marriage has significantly increased ("Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds and Changing Demographics"). There are several reasons for that. One of those is the change of generations: nowadays adults are more liberal and accepting; they strongly uphold the conviction that all people are entitled for equal rights despite their gender identity. Another reason here is the rising number of lesbians and gay people in the society, or rather a rise in the number of coming outs: when people of heterosexual orientation get to know that some of their friends or relatives is a homosexualist, they tend to milden their position towards the LGBT community and, therefore, become more accepting and supportive in terms of rights and freedoms for the latter. Naturally, the popular opinion of the society finds its representation on the legal level, including support on the highest ranks of the state structure: for example, President Barack Obama expressed his approval of same-sex marriages (Earnest).
Given the above-mentioned trends, it seems logical to assume that in the closest future the situation with gay marriage will be developing in the likewise direction: expanding liberalization towards the homosexuality issues will be observed till the point when proponents of the same-sex marriage idea will considerably outweigh the amount of its opponents. Eventually, same sex marriage will be legalized all over the country. However, more important here is not the legal status, but the perception of the issue by people of heterosexual orientation. Even though there has been an increase in support for gay marriage, substantial part of the population still maintains a stance of non-acceptance and denial of equal rights for the representatives of LGBT minority. It must be noted, though, that gay people are eligible for the same rights as all the other citizens; moreover, it is not only a question of a citizen's rights, but rather a matter of human's right for happiness, the latter not being limited by age, gender, race or sexual orientation.
Works Cited
Earnest, Josh . " President Obama Supports Same-Sex Marriage." 10 May. 2012. 19 Nov. 2014. < /blog/2012/05/10/obama-supports-same-sex-marriage>.
"Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds and Changing Demographics." 20 Mar. 2013. 19 Nov. 2014. <>.
"The changing landscape of same-sex marriage." 17 Oct. 2014. 19 Nov. 2014. < sex-marriage/>.