The fact that everything changes when a child is born is right. The appearance of a child is a very important and serious event in the parents' life and sometimes it can even put newly father and mother into shock. It is difficult to understand this fact until it happens to you.
Of course, before young parents spent all his free time with each other, rest and enjoy themselves. Some of them worked or studied. Parents can easily spend their free time doing everything they want. However, with a baby, the life changes dramatically. Therefore, a child requires so much time and energy! Yes, it takes all the time and leaves no forces.
Newly parents experienced some changes after the birth of a child:
- The mother begins to focus on herself and the baby and she gives less external attention to her husband. Of course, their sexual relations also change. Sometimes the relationships even come to naught during the complicated pregnancy. In this situation, the husband should take special care of his family and be very patient.
- Since the care of the child almost completely lay down on the mother's shoulders and dad, as a rule, continues to work. Women simply do not have enough forces on the simultaneous care of the child and a husband who departs on the back burner. She still loves him, but sometimes there aren’t neither the strength nor the capacity for the relations. Man, as a rule, in this situation clearly understands only that he begins to be treated worse, and not in a great hurry to understand the reasons.
- After the birth of a baby, the emotional state of a young mother is highly unstable. The woman becomes very nervous and vulnerable because the body is tired, and nervous system is exhausted. Practically, there is no time to relax and have a rest because the child requires attention 24 hours a day. It is very good when someone can help a young mother in the most difficult moment of her life.
- With the birth of the child, new responsibilities and concerns appear. Parents are required large stock of physical and spiritual strength for the care and child upbringing. At this time, there can be unsolved problems in the relationship between husband and wife. Sometimes all domestic problems lead to the mutual reproaches. The main thing for any relationship is love and desire to make the life of the dearest person is better in both domestic and psychological matters. Everyone wants to feel needed, so it is important to do the household chores the common problem (“Family and society”).
- The couples do not have time for themselves. No time to talk or go somewhere. Moreover, parents just tired. Sleepless nights, breast-feeding, diet. Persistent worries about the health of the child is very tired.
- When people do not have children, they can focus on their own immediate needs or desires. If they want to take a nap in the middle of the day, they can. If they want to go shopping or go for a walk in the park, or go to the gym, they can. If there is something interesting on TV, people can sit down, watch it, hear it and enjoy it. If you want to enjoy a quiet, peaceful meal at home, you can. When a child is born, the "battle" begins. Any things from above like eating, shopping, exercising, watching TV, napping is past. Practically, none of those things young parents cannot do anymore in a peace or when they have a need for it.
With the birth of a child, there is really a lot of changes. However, apart from all these hardships faced by each pair, there are still a lot of positive emotions. Maternal and paternal love is very wonderful feeling. Tenderness and care return in a child's smile. Everything that parents do for their children is worth it and even if being a parent is the most difficult job on earth it is still the best. The main thing is to understand that this moment is temporary, and people should learn to appreciate them (Zane 12-16).
All the new things always take time to get used to. Men in this respect are easier than women. Their way of life does not change too much. They also go to work and can eat everything, because they are not breast-feed. Although to be a father is a big responsibility and he has to support the family. Some men are unhappy because the wife gives them less time. So do not think that fathers don’t worry, they are just a little easier to adapt to the changes because they are less affected.
However, it is wrong that the appearance of a child means approaching collapse of the family life. Not at all. And even vice versa. Any crisis is a positive phenomenon. It is an indication that young parents should look for new ways of the development of relations. On the background of the crisis some positive qualities of both spouses appear, which can be used to overcome the crisis after the birth of a child.
Works Cited
Bardsley, Daniel . "Before and after having a baby." Latest News, Pictures, Video, Multimedia. Family and society, Web. 9 May 2014. <>.
Zane, Mark. Family Life, Stress And Building Loving Relationships: A Guide To Working Through Stress & Creating A Happy Family. London: 2011. 12-16. Print.