Perception is the exposure of the world within us that includes both the weather and environmental behavior and performance towards these weather updates. Therefore, the causes for precision of the sensory information are perception, interpretation and knowledge.Reasons for Accuracy or Inaccuracy of sensory information
It’s truly known that human beings senses start working from the time of birth for instance, small born babies do have the sense to touch, grasp, sensitivity, listen and smell when they are born. Despite the fact that these senses don’t grow at once, they continue rapidly developing by the age of one thus performing in their maximum capacity. Although small born babies lack the ability to use these senses, that’s how accuracy in sensory perception works. On the other hand, inaccuracy of sensory information is linked on our exposure in life or what we learn or experience at a given period of time. In most cases our sense organs.
The interpretation of sensory information leads us to the exact view of the world and especially when our senses are attracted by sensory information we can view human beings places or properties to a certain extent. As well, one can bear in mind that trust of our human senses can lead us to the accurate look of the world. The reason of trusting all things that we reason out are our own studying and recognizing morale of specific action or reaction. Human beings have five senses that are used to collect and transmit sensory data. These are, touch, feel, taste, see and hear. Therefore the three reasons for trusting in the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory exposure to the world within us includes both the recognition of the environmental stimuli and behavior in connection to these stimuli
Interpretation:-is a communication procedure set to portray definitions of a word meaning in contact with persons, places or property.
Knowledge: - is termed as the ability with ideas, realities or principals through learning or research; as a whole performance and ability of many things. Knowledge is also termed as word with familiarity achieved by sight, exposure, or message. Obvious human beings can’t perform without the ability to sense and understand the meaning behind the senses. Sensory things are portrayed when sensory organs contacts with the environment in the world within us. There are many senses which are important in the human perfect-being. These senses involve; hallucination, growth, traces interview and general insight. Other reasons for accuracy and inaccuracy would also be explained as touch, smell and sight which basically are internal human factors that as well affect their accuracy and
The following are aspects that influence accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory perception; food, drugs and sleep.
Food:- absence of food affects sensory perception and it can’t be perfect simply because food provides energy and portrays out clear the sense organ through taste .The sense of taste detects very well the type of food or drug is perfect for human consumption or not that’s why without food we are not able to recognize the sense of taste in connection to food one of the contributing factor.
Drugs:-Drugs contribute to the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory data through their demerits and merits. Mostly drugs have negative consequences and end up deteriorating mental capability in doing or performing any given tasks. These results to misuse of body sensory organs since these drugs cause impacts eventually do interfere with senses operating system which results to misuse of human resources, poor human etiquette, self-esteem and the way of conducting things. Although on the merit part of it, drugs depends on the type, some drugs are used as medicine to cure or heal which enhances sensory perception to work even more effectively.
Sleep:-The sensory perception through sleep is gained especially when a demanding attention occurs for example while in the house people could cause violence or chaos outside and by so doing the sense of hear, is portrayed. Despite the fact that while sleeping most of the sensory organs become non-active, on the other hand when it comes to nightmares, all the senses end up being in use that is through see, touch and feel among others.
Role of Memory in Sensory Information
Memory plays a major role in sensory data interpretation and evaluation. As understood, memory is the ability to correlate past events and mapping them to the present occurrences and thus this helps in continued evaluation and interpretation of such information. Thus as explained above the role of memory in sensory information is generally to backtrack and give a correlation thus enhancing accuracy of the information by giving a series of connection of events. This information is used to facilitate models of memory storage in young teenagers.
Sensory information is therefore used to facilitate models of memory storage memories for instance in young teenagers in the section of the information validity analysis where else human beings capability to keep and facilitate what’s happening within us depends on our memory on sensory perception.
- Longtin, A. B. (2007). Sensory data and Reasons for Accuracy and Inaccuracy
- Matheus, C. J. (2005). Memory and Sensory Information Accuracy