Policies for Environmental Conservation
The environment is an important part of our every day to day life. Over the years, various campaigns have been put in place in order to address this issue of conserving it, but these steps seem not to be up to the task in order to preserve the environment. One of the downsides of these methods is the lack of proper statutes that would in turn help in this move (Kraft 2015l, p.5). This qualitative analysis will address the issue of the political side of the issue of conservation of the environment.
It is the duty of each and every person to protect the environment and one of the ways that can be used as an environmental conservation method, is the use of statutes and laws as a way of coercing the general public to adhere to the stipulated measures to conserve the environment. The environment may be polluted by various human activities, for example, the emission of carbon and the other unfiltered gasses into the air, release of liquid waste into the rivers and the throwing of the non-degradable containers and wrappers onto the ground. These forms of pollution have been realized to be unethical in various ways. These include behaviors such as deforestation and industrialization, which in turn make the environment less inhabitable (Berry and Rondinelli 1998, p.42)
Ethics are said to be the acceptable way that things should be carried out. This is no different when it comes to the environmental ethics that pollution causes. Environmental ethics may further be defined as the mentality and the policies laid down with the aim or ensuring that human beings live their lives in a manner that does not negatively affect the other organisms in the environment (Rosenbaum2013)
Annotated Transcripts
In a bid to understand the various political steps that have been put in place to ensure that the members of the society conserve the environment, these two interviews may be able to address these issues,
Citation: Minteer, B.A. & Corley, E.A. J Agric Environ Ethics (2007) 20: 307. doi:10.1007/s10806-007-9040-2
Summary: This journal article was written after serious research was carried out pertaining to the various ways that the members of the conservative groups in the nation can carry out their activities of conserving and preserving the environment. This qualitative study was carried out by the use of questionnaires where which the members of the society were given the ability to describe the issues of preservation and conservation as they understood best. However, the main emphasize was the various projects that must be put in place in order to preserve the Chattahooche National Forest.
The process was set as at 30 normal residents from different backgrounds in order to compare their understandings from the eyes of the diverse community. In addition, to this, these individuals were also allowed to give their view on the best way of conserving this forest.
Findings: From the research findings, it was realized that 75% of the individuals considered conservation and preservation to be the same issue and a huge percentage of them were of the opinion that the best may of conserving the environment was the coming up with the various statutes and policies that would, in turn, deter the members of the public together with the companies to stop polluting the environment.
Conclusion: This is a major finding to the conservation and preservation of the environment due to the fact that the steps that may be taken by congress or the national government will ensure that not only the forests and other natural resources such as the game animals and the flora are not only able to be protected from the harmful human activities but also to ensure the environment is able to be in existence for a longer period (Heberle and Christensen 2011).
Citation:Torkar, G., Zimmermann, B. and Willebrand, T. (2011). Qualitative Interviews in Human Dimensions Studies about Nature Conservation. Journal of Varstvo Narave, 25:39-52.
Summary: This journal was written with the major aim of ensuring that the scientists are able to better their understanding of the various ways of ensuring that they are able to get the best out of their research methods and one of these methods is the betterment of their qualitative researches. These researches would be bettered by ensuring that the researchers are more creative and innovative. From the interview, it was clear that qualitative researches were more effective in coming up with the best results due to the fact that the research is normally carried on a one on one basis. This research was carried out by the use of a questionnaire and once all the individuals filled and handed in their questionnaires, they were analyzed and a finding was reached upon.
Findings: From the finding, it was clear that the lack of knowledge was among the major causes of the members of the public being unable to conserve the environment. This lack of knowledge may be attributed to the ignorance on the side of the members of the public whereas in some situations, it was realized that the programs that are put in place in order to enable the members of the public to know of the various ways that they would be able to ensure they conserve the environment, do not reach the members of the public or do not impact on them effectively.
Conclusion: Knowledge is an important component of the conservation and preservation of the environment (Turnhout, Dewulf, and Hulme2016, pg. 65). This is since this lack of knowledge in most instances will always reciprocate in the members of the society being unable to clearly know the steps to be taken in the conservation bid. This may include, knowing the type of trees that need to be planted, the ratio and numbers of the trees that need to be planted. One of the possible ways of addressing this issue is through the government coming up with the best policies that would enable the members of the public to be able to know how to address this issue of environmental conservation (Turin 2012). The policies to educate the public, need not target only the older members of the society, but in instances that the policies of conserving the environment are brought at the early stages, for example, when the individual is still in school, then it may be more efficient.
This may include having various issues such as ensuring that in the teaching curriculum. There is a provision that will ensure that the children are impacted with the knowledge and importance of conserving the environment. This understanding of the importance of preservation and conservation will in most case come with its own share of responsibility in the matter pertaining to the conservation process.
It is clear that the government has a hand in ensuring that the individuals in its jurisdiction conserve the environment. This may include, having in place policies that would tend to coerce individuals to adhere to these conservation issues whereas it may also have in place programs that sell out the pros of the issue of conservation.
Berry, M.A. and Rondinelli, D.A., 1998. Proactive corporate environmental management: A new industrial revolution. The Academy of Management Executive, 12(2), pp.38-50.
Heberle, L.C. and Christensen, I.M. (2011) ‘US environmental governance and local climate change mitigation policies’, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 22(3), pp. 317–329. doi: 10.1108/14777831111122897
Kraft, M., 2015.Environmental policy and politics.Routledge.
Minteer, B.A. & Corley, E.A. J Agric Environ Ethics (2007) 20: 307. doi:10.1007/s10806- 007-9040-2
Rosenbaum, W.A., 2013. Environmental politics and policy.Cq Press.
Torkar, G., Zimmermann, B. and Willebrand, T. (2011). Qualitative Interviews in Human Dimensions Studies about Nature Conservation. Journal of VarstvoNarave, 25:39-52.
Turnhout, E., Dewulf, A. and Hulme, M., (2016). What does policy-relevant global environmental knowledge do? The cases of climate and biodiversity.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 18, pp.65-72.
Turin, D.R., (2012) The Challenges of Climate Change Policy: Explaining the Failure of Cap and Trade in the United States With a Multiple-Streams Framework. [Online] (updated 2011) Available at: http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/articles/656/the-challenges-of-climate-change-policy-explaining-the-failure-of-cap-and-trade-in-the-united-states-with-a-multiple-streams-framework