Book Analysis Presentation
The overall makeup of the modern human society is based upon the contention of what is developed as a deterrent course of established understanding of what is understood as to what is the distinct balance between development and environmental protection. What is assumed as improvement in the world today often affects the overall capacity of the environment to deal with the most extensive procedures by which humans tend to exploit the resources of a particular community. The determination of the modern human society to become more welcoming to the new aspects of development that intend to change the current situation of the world does provide a definite insistence of what or how the world might fair in the face of developments and improvements on the ways by which people exploit the environment.
About the Book
Presented as a collection of more than 50 primary essays from Rebecca Solnit, the book Storming the Gates of Paradise provide more evident insistence on how humans are exploiting the different resources that are available in the society. Practically, these essays serve as a distinct presentation of what is assumed as the procedures by which humans tend to make the best out of what they have, but at some point are able to insist on the manner by which humans lose sight of the essence of what good governance and management of proper resources is all about.
Released as a collective presentation of Rebecca Solnit’s work and beliefs especially when it comes to embracing the different options of development offered in the world today, the book offers a relative distinction of what is meant by development and progress through the years. The willingness of humans to adjust to the situation that they are undergoing plays a great role on how they are able to redefine the way they recognize their options of function especially in relation to what is meant by modern options of development.
The book provides a more distinct presentation of what good management of resources is about and how humans are supposedly able to mandate the development by which such conditions of operation could to be managed accordingly. Exposing the anomalies in the society, Solnit tries the help the society envision reality versus covered acts of supposed goodness that directly hurts their chance to preserve the different resources available in the environment. Most often than not, it is the desire of Solnit to show the truth behind everything else that’s occurring in the society that has lead him towards the realization of what good governance and direction to development is all about ; as well as how humans could actually adapt to the matter.
About the Author
Rebecca Solnit is noted as one of the most celebrated environmentalists and social analysts of her time. It could be realized that her contributions towards the realization of what good assumption of management is about provides a definite pattern of development that allows humans to explore the different options of growth that they could take into account in relation to their situation and their position as protectors of the environment.
Being a concerned individual, Solnit makes it a point that her written works would talk much about her ideals and her desire for the situations in the society to change accordingly. People have become more responsive to the many ideas that Solnit shares through time. Practically, the society has seen more than what they could actually take that at times they think that keeping themselves quiet or blinded about the matter would be the best option to take into account. This is where the definition of good management and direction comes into mind. Most likely, it could be realized that people become more effective in imposing their role as protectors of the environment, when they know of what is really happening and how they could respond to the situation in the most positive way possible.
Points of Analysis
Presented in this section of the discussion are some of the most common and most compelling ideas that Solnit shares in her writing. Given particular analysis to application and development, these lines are assumed to have a great impact on what is meant by developmental improvement in the society.
1. “Red for a kind of cowboy ethos that society is optional and every man should fend for himself. This vast space was where people stepped out of society when their domestic lives failed or the law was after them.”
This passage from Sollnit’s work definitely points out how she wants her readers to recognize the real meaning of her assumptive form of calling out to the need of the people to know more about what is really happening in the society. To this matter, Solnit also points out that when it comes to improving the lifestyle that humans embrace, it is most often than not that they resort to matters that are usually out of the ordinary; not wanting the same old situation of dealing with the issues of becoming more progressive compared to the past years they may have been involved in. Stepping out of their comfort zone somehow allowed them to see matters at a different course, but also have allowed them to become more extensive, especially when it comes to stretching out possibilities, that usually entail towards the emergence of conflict of values regarding the basic systems that are functioning in the world at present. `
2. “Those western emigrants turned actors, politicians, developers, and crooks created a mythology of the West so powerful it became a literary and cinematic genre that largely eclipses the factual history of the place, an inhabitable mythology with a large place for cowboys and a small one for Indians.”
The emigrants have become the commoners in the society, while the locals are being cast out from their own place. This is what good development is about, and this is how modern approach to progress could be better embraced. Instead of following the usual process of social development, the world has seen generations of ‘shows’ that mainly support progress while other members of the community are being sacrificed.
3. “The real landscape of Silicon Valley seems wholly interior, not only in the metaphor of the maze and the terrain of offices and suburbs but also in the much promoted ideal of the user never leaving a well-wired home and in the goal of eliminating the world and reconstituting its information. Again, what disappears here is the incalculable, this time as the world of the sensory and sensual, with all the surprises and dangers that accompany it.”
What has become of the world, the people and their culture? This line from Solnit’s writing emanates a sad fact that as the world and as technology advances, people are becoming even more concerned about what they want and how they want to live, usually setting aside the situations that are most often than not affecting the condition of understanding that humans have towards the real essence of living a good life.
4. “Every year, I’d come back to the city joking that I wasn’t sure I was closer to nature, but I was definitely closer to my car. Really, it depends on how you define nature.”
Nature is, one way or another, considered to have a definite impact on what environment is about and how such understanding of one’s surrounding affects his personal understanding of what value of progress is supposed to be embraced for the sake of developing a better essence of how the environment could be protected accordingly for the generations that will follow on later.
5. “If you imagine the city as a body, plazas are not, like streets, mere arteries of activity; rather, a plaza is the heart, the central place from which the lifeblood of a community issues.”
Making sense of what is assumed as mere part of history; Solnit tries to help the modern society see the real meaning of living, based on how they used to live their lives ad reached for their goals. Relatively, she wants to point out that if then, the society recognize their connections as the establishing factor of development, now, people are more concerned about their gadgets where their social interactions are merely based on what is meant by online relationships shared by people through computer connections.
Implications of Learning
Through the years, people have been recognizing the need to embrace progress. They have been embracing such options relatively and somehow, it is their desire to become more endowed in such matter that allows them to become more effective in determining the patter of progress they want to embrace. However, with such progress comes a distinct sacrifice which usually includes the realities about life and the real value of what good living is about. The sad truth is, people begin to lose sight of what is really important, apart from what is assumed as something rather unconventional especially when it comes to making a distinct impact on how the world progresses towards a better future.
Solnit, R. Storming the Gates of Paradise: Landscapes for Politics. (2008). University of California Press.