Questions on: “Religion Linked to Happy Life.”
- What is this article about?
The article in context is about the effect of religious belief on the holistic happiness of human beings. Religion is researched as a very important factor in the life of human beings and the effects of religious practice are delved deep into in this article. It talks of several studies which have been carried out to substantiate the inference. The readers come to know how the devout religious person remains immune to negativity of life and how religion helps man tread on the path of life with its ups and downs.
- What arguments support the speculations that believing in God will give you more life satisfaction?
The article talks of Professor Clark and co-author Dr. Orsolya Lelkes who have researched to prove that religious people deal better with unemployment. The study also indicates that the religious people find satisfaction in their lives and even deal with divorces better than other people. Thus, religion is proven to be the haven for the human mind as it remains immune to tumultuous emotions even at the hardest times of life. Precisely, these people find purpose of living and thus find happiness. People who are religious face the hardships and hiccups of life and pull themselves back together.
- Have you ever felt that your belief in higher powers could help you mend in rough times?
Devotion and belief in God and religion can actually work as the driving force in times of crisis in human life. There have been times of personal hardships where I have felt helpless and lonely. At such times, the belief in the almighty as the savior and guide has instilled confidence in my heart and nurtured my soul. It has been possible to pull myself together again and get back with the normal chores of life with new hope and energy. Thus, religion has been the best possible source of strength and courage to go on in the journey of life, in spite of all the problems which arise from time to time.
- Do you believe that religious people are happier than the non-religious people? Argue for your thoughts.
Religious people are obviously happier than non-religious people as they find purpose of life and satisfaction from their devotion for their belief. Their belief in religion provides them with the strength to brave all adverse occurrences and not feel deterred by the various obstacles which impede the path of life. Non-religious people, on the other hand, get stuck in their domain of logic and find themselves amidst a realm of chaos where they have nothing to fall back upon for support and strength.