The most important thing in carrying out research is to avoid confusing the concept of research vigor with concepts like the quantification, measurement precision and generalizability. The researcher must be cautious before making claims that data collection and data analysis techniques are rigorous than other methods or techniques (Noble, & Smith 34). Therefore, rigorous or the trustworthy in any research implies the need to use appropriate tools that meet the goals and objectives of investigation done. For the investigator to determine whether there was rigorous in data collection, he or she will ask some questions on data collection procedures or data analysis process. While use both qualitative and quantitative data, rigorous research must always be explicit and transparent. The researcher must be able to explain to the audience or the colleagues what they are doing in simple and clear language.
In quantitative research, the research applies the statistical methods to establish the reliability and validity of the research finding. However, in qualitative research, the researcher aims to incorporate and design methodological strategies that will ensure there is trustworthiness of findings. Therefore, in the qualitative method, the researcher should be qualified in carrying out the task to minimize bias that may have a negative impact on the findings. In health research, the researcher must ensure validity and reliability of the tools to ensure that they measure only what they are supposed to measure and provide accurate results (Noble, & Smith 34). Validity and reliability ensure that the instruments used are structured correctly, and no bias will bring about false data. Validity could be either external or content validity. External validity is whereby the results could be generalized from the sample population therefore to establish the external validity the researcher should follow the sample directly. Content validity assesses the appropriateness of the instruments used like it measures the questions, the observation logs whether the accurately assess the objectives of the study (Noble, & Smith 35). Also, the research tools should ensure reliability, in that the instruments must be consistent in what they are measuring. Reliability promotes consistent in the results and promotes accuracy in any given study.
Works Cited
Helen Noble, & Joanna Smith. "Issues of validity and reliability in quantitative research." Evidence Based Nursing (2015): 34-35. Web.