A theoretical framework may be understood as an aggregation of interrelated data peculiar to a particular subject field, used by the researcher as a means of directing further study into the matter.
In the case of Verstraeten’s article, unsatisfactory trends in the eating habits of Ecuadorian adolescents have been identified, leading to health problems comparable to those exhibited by primary and secondary school students in far more affluent nations. The first step towards correcting the diets of Ecuadorians lay in establishing the specifics of their cultural and environmental background so that adequate intervention methods could be developed, as the effectiveness of any existing solutions could not be established regarding countries falling into the low - and middle-income category. This statement can be considered the starting point of Verstraeten’s study. A theoretical framework was then conceived to determine the variables influencing eating behavior among individuals.
The findings were expanded upon by incorporating all relevant data into the conceptual framework, leading the researchers to single out the features unique to Ecuadorian society. The conceptual framework’s appropriateness is best illustrated by the fact it is a near-perfect summary of that already determined by the theoretical framework while drawing attention to key points of the research. Results match those obtained in other countries going through similar stages in their development. For example, previous research suggesting peer pressure has much higher influence on adolescents than the rules established by their parents, indicates Ecuadorian society would respond to intervention methods applicable elsewhere. Logical assumptions consistent with data gathered by study of the focus groups are made, represented by excerpts from Verstraeten’s article such as the following: “influencing factors may have differential effects on behavior with respect to socio-economic status and setting, which supports the inclusion of these as moderating factors in the conceptual framework.” The practical purpose of the conducted research lies in its relevance to researchers looking to study ways of overcoming poor eating habits among schoolchildren in Ecuador. The findings made possible by a thorough outline of the conceptual framework take the issue one step closer to a possible resolution and will now likely serve as the theory for subsequent study.
Libraries. Retrieved from http://libguides.usc.edu/content.php?pid=83009&sid=618409
Creswell, John. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Choosing Among Five
Approaches. Lincoln, USA. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Verstraeten, R., Van Royen, K., Ochoa-Avilés, A., Penafiel D., Holdsworth., Donoso, S., Maes,
L., Kolsteren, P. (2014, January). A Conceptual Framework for Healthy Eating Behavior
in Ecuadorian Adolescents: A Qualitative Study. Plos One. Retrieved from