The political and economic setup of a country has a profound effect on the way people lead their lives. This is because the structure defines the decisions that people make in their personal life. The different approaches to politics in the two different countries will be an important factor when choosing the fiancée. Though I am not a political person, it will be significant to consider politics if I will spend my life in a different country.
Despite the fact that I am a person who is rarely concerned with political issues and debates, I am aware of the potential that the political systems and activities in the two countries have to influence my life. When the political perspective is taken into consideration, I will have to go with the fiancée from the kingdom of Englais, George Adkins. The country makes use of a parliamentary system, which I view to have many essential benefits. First is the issue of legislation. I believe in the rule of law, and the important role that different laws play to the outcome of individual lives. In the parliamentary system, it is easier for legislations to be passed, legislations that have profound impacts on the life of citizens (Bale 162). The parliamentary system also offers clear ways through which power is divided. I am a critic of political bureaucracy, where certain people, and especially the executive seem to have all the power. The parliamentary system allows for power to be decentralized, where the constitution Cleary sets the limits and powers of each arm of the government (Bale 164). The political system in Adkin’s country will, therefore, make me choose him.
There are various aspects of the political system put in place in Duitsland that makes the country undesirable. Despite the fact that I am not overly interested in politics, I know the importance of allowing citizens have their right to choose their political representatives. It is my view that the mixed-member proportional representation is first not efficient since people may be coerced into electing representatives due to other factors such as strategic voting, as opposed to forming their basis on the manifesto of the representative (Bale 170). Besides, the country political system allows for the government to be overly involved in personal life. I am very conscious of my liberties, and I would prefer a system that does not control institutions such as the media, which serve to offer citizens with information.
Closely tied to the issue of politics is the aspect of the foreign policy of the two countries where my fiancées hail from. In the case of Duitsland, the country is closely affiliated to Europe and subscribes to the European culture and values. The implication is that the country has close relations with other European countries and is a member of the European Union. As shown in the economic policies adopted, the country does not believe in the liberal agenda preached by the United States. When the issue of foreign policy is considered, I will choose the fiancée from the kingdom of Engles, George Adkins. This is because I would prefer to be in a country that has close ties to the United States. Since I believe in the values that America operates under, I trust that the kingdom heavily borrows these values. Considering my family’s heritage also, it would appear to be more appropriate to live in a country that respects and is friendly to where my family hails from.
An analysis of the market system used in Duitsland reveals that the country uses a social market economy. Literature and research on this type of economic setup show that it is a system that tries to bring together free market capitalism with various social policies that guide the market (Bale 272). The implication here is that the social market economy respects the position of the private entity, but at the same time puts in place strategies that control operations within this market. Despite the fact that the coordination may be good for the country, it may sometimes negatively impact on individual economic outcomes. The focus of the social market economy is the welfare of the wider population. As an entrepreneur entering the market, however, my focus will be getting stabilized operations within the shortest period possible.
The focus on the long-term economic outcomes by the system offers a more stable economy, which is an advantage I will be forced to forgo. An important aspect that will further inform my decision not to choose the country is the form of taxation in the country. Duitsland has put in place policies that see the high earners in the society being highly taxed. Since I will be expecting fiancée Burk Fischer to join one of the major soccer teams in the country, he will be among the top earners in the country and, therefore, be subject to very high taxes. Given my belief in the limited place of the taxman in my finances, the tax regime in Duitsland will be another reason I will not choose fiancée Burk Fischer.
Also, there is the issue of the Kingdom of Engles having similar values as the ones in America. The implication is that despite the fact that I will be away from home, I will have almost similar experiences in the kingdom as opposed to being in Duitsland. Another personal aspect touches on family. I understand that the second fiancée from Duitsland has his father as the only family. Given that his career will be a busy one, I will have no one around whom I can refer as family and look to in times of need. In the case of George Adkins, however, I will have the opportunity to meet his parents who are retired. This will make me feel more at home and welcomed.
Having chosen to follow the first fiancé George Adkins into the Kingdom of Engles, I will have to be involved in the country’s political issues like every other responsible citizen would do. I understand that there are three options when it comes to voting. I would vote for the King’s party since I view it as being more respectful of my values. The first aspect touches on taxes and public spending. The party has overseen a cut on taxes while government spending was reduced. This is an aspect my grandfather would be proud about and one I see significant. Another issue is the fact that the party does not heavily engage itself in social issues. This is exactly what I believe since the state should not be overly involved in individual issues.
I would not vote for the Commoners’ Party due to their insistence on social welfare spending. This would mean more public spending, necessitating an increase in taxes. These are issues I do not support. In the case of the Progressive Party, I would not vote for it because I like to be restrained when it comes to political activity. The trait of taking up radical political stands is something I do not subscribe to.
Works Cited
Bale, Tim. European Politics: A Comparative Introduction . Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.