Alpha level refers to the risk of falsely rejecting the null hypotheses, such as there is no difference between variables, treatments or groups. In other words, it amounts to making Type 1 errors. Usually, in experimental designs the alpha level of 0.05 is used which implies a 5% percent chance of rejecting a true hypothesis. It also means that there is a 5% chance that the results in an experiment were obtained randomly- something that experimenters attempt to avoid totally.
However, in certain investigations, an alpha level of lower or higher than the commonly used 0.05 might be set. With lower levels of significance like 0.01 and 0.001, Type I error gets reduced, which is of particular importance when the experiment is sensitive. For example, in clinical research studies, where the outcome of the research work is critical and lots of money and health hazards are involved one cannot afford to falsely reject a hypothesis or make conclusions based on randomly obtained results. Hence, such experiments are better off using alpha levels of 0.01 or even 0.001. Also, if the study being conducted is a replication of well-established experiments and results, it pays to use a very low significance level to increase the credibility of the study. Another situation where alpha levels lower than 0.05 are worth using is when the sample size is large for instance, in the manufacturing, science and engineering fields, as this automatically reduces the probability of making Type I errors (Chandrashekara and Suresh, 2012).
On the other hand, in investigations where one has to necessarily conduct experiments with small sample sizes such as research being conducted on rare diseases or using case studies, which increase the risk of obtaining results randomly, it is better to use an alpha level of 0.1. A 0.1 alpha level can also be used in studies conducted in the ecological and environmental literature fields and for exploratory research where Type I error risk is low. Additionally, a higher than 0.05 alpha level can be used when one can be more ‘relaxed’ about accepting a null hypothesis (Anderson, 2013). One example of this could be identifying if there is any difference between the intelligence levels of same-age and gender children from different parts of the world.
Chandrashekara S. and Suresh KP (2012) Sample size estimation and power analysis for clinical research studies. J. Hum. Reprod. Sci. 5(1): 7-13.
Anderson C. (2013) What’s the significance of 0.05 significance. Musings on data science, machine learning and stats. Retrieved on 17/01/2014 from
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