Legalizing abortion is tantamount to curtailing the right to life. From the time of conception, there already exists the human life. If one is to abort a fetus, it is as if one is murdering an individual who is so helpless. It defies the sanctity of life. The pregnant woman does not have any right whatsoever to decide for the unborn baby. God gave that life and only God can take it.
For Christians, abortion is going against God’s Ten Commandments. According to the sixth commandment, “Thou shall not kill.”. Abortion is a clear violation of the sixth commandment.
The proponents of abortion claim that it is justified to abort a fetus that has been diagnosed with genetic abnormalities, citing that they will just be a burden to their parents and the society. This rationale is simply unacceptable. Just because persons have disabilities do not make them less of a human being. In fact, society recognizes that people with disabilities have civil rights as stated in The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Another reason why abortion should not be legalized is it may lead to serious health complications for the mother. There is a risk that the woman may never be pregnant again. Other possible medical complications are the increased risk of ectopic pregnancies, breast cancer, miscarriages and pelvic inflammatory disease. Furthermore, researches show that abortion may result in a lifetime psychological damage for the woman such as stress, depression and a feeling of guilt. It is therefore not true that abortion is a totally safe medical procedure because there are long-term effects.
The advocates of abortion argue that it is another way of controlling the population. They assert that since contraceptives are not readily available especially for the uninsured women, abortion should be an option. Abortion is not the answer to unwanted pregnancies. If a woman does not want to be pregnant, then she should take the necessary preventive measures.
Abortion reduces the number of babies that can be adopted. There are so many couples who desire to have a child but are unable to. Without abortion, these couples are given the chance to be loving parents to unwanted babies.
In cases of rape or incest, abortion is not the answer to the woman’s tragedy. Subjecting her to another psychological harm may only worsen her situation. Besides, why should the unborn baby be punished when he did not commit any crime, the rapist should be the one punished.
As long as there are people who believe in life, the debate on the legalization of abortion shall continue. As long as people believe in God, the Giver of life, the issues on abortion will not die. As long as mothers value the unborn baby in their wombs, arguments on abortion will not see its end. As long as one lives, one will fight the proponents of abortion!
Works Cited
Ladock, Jason. "Pros and cons of abortion." 2014. Web. 30 January 2014 <>.
Lowen, Linda. "10 Abortion arguments: 10 arguments for abortion, 10 arguments against abortion." 2014. Web. 30 January 2014 <>. "Should abortion be legal?" 2014. Web. 30 January 2014 <>.