In order to prepare for a persuasive speech, we need to plan our straregy of it. It is important to remember about some key aspects to be remembered while preparing to make a good speech.
At first I will consider the need for credibility and how I will demonstrate that I am a credible speaker on this subject. In order to do so I will prepare the credibility statement in which I will tell about the experiences I have had which made me an expert on the topic of my speech. At the beginning of it I will make a self-presentation and tell about my attendance of the class and job experience related to the topic. Then I will tell about my motivation to choose this topic, why I am interested in it and what preparations I have made (Public Speaking for College & Career, 2016). To show the credibility in the topic, I will use additional materials to prove my point of view (examples, research, statistics) from reliable sources. To keep audience interested I will always try to appeal their motivations and needs.
In order to demonstrate that this topic is relevant to the audience’s needs and interests I will tell what’s in it for them, I will tell about the specific ways in which they are connected to my topic by using a localized statistic. I will explain what the audience will be able to do with the information I will give them and will include the slide in my presentation with a concrete purpose: “After this speech, you will be able to ____.” I absolutely agree to the statement that the best way to make a topic relevant is to make it actionable. This is why I will give the listeners information they will be able use – a step-by-step set of instructions and data that will help them make a decision. When the audience understands how to use the data I give, they are much more interested in what I say (Prettygoodspeech, 2009).
Mitchell O. (2009, Nov. 19). 7 ways to keep audience attention during your presentation. Speakingaboutpresenting. Retrieved from
Persuasive Strategies. (2016, May 5). Public Speaking for College & Career. Retrieved from
Provide Relevance to the Topic. (2009, Apr. 22). Retrieved from