3. The assignment has three parts, which you will identify under three separate headings:
a. Articulate your disciplinary spark.
Disciplinary spark: What advantages does the internet provide to education?
b. Document the work generated by each of the thought engines. Use the appropriate number to distinguish the work that each thought engine has prompted.
1. Accessibility, price, flexibility, autonomy, dynamic tracking of progress, structured environment, real-time feedback
2. Tough: Education is less tough, learning can be made more simple. Often the online environment is more tough for students. The material can be less tough with a structured environment. Teachers are often less tough in these settings. The tests are generally more tough though.
3. Tough but simple, less tough but more simple environment, less tough but more structured, less tough in certain settings but more tough structure, more tough structure more strict educator, tough tests easy structure, easy structure tough tests
4. Manipulation
c. Give an appraisal of what you deemed to be the most effective thought engine in the set and the least effective thought engine in the set. Explain your decisions, noting how you could further tailor the thought engine to your discipline and personal goals.
The most effective thought engine seemed to be the first. It seemed to help in generating concepts that are related to the main question. By doing so, the subject can be expanded. The least effective felt like the third. It felt strange to try to mesh together ideas like this. This might have been more effective with more time, however. Generally, the time constraints were effective in helping me to generate ideas that can be of help in the assignment. This research could be further tailored by the thought engine through more in depth analysis of the ideas that were created.