Ethical issues and performance management go together especially for those who only start their business. The issue can become really sharp for a small firm where one should choose between a progressive discipline system itself and the ability to afford it. Let us consider the reasons for performance appraisals as part of progressive discipline system (Guerin, 2016) and against them.
All the companies face various employees’ minor infractions (Bruce, 2014). They can be connected with their punctuality, tardiness in task performing, drawbacks in interpersonal relations or team work, etc. Some employees need just verbal warning to change themselves, in case they even have no idea of the infraction. Such kind of verbal warnings are the first step in the progressive discipline system and they are widely used in small firms and big corporations. As far as termination is concerned, it is usually the last step, when nothing else works. Besides, employees should always keep in mind they can be sacked at once for egregious violations.
Progressive discipline system gives employees all the possible opportunities to know themselves and to change for the better. Besides, employers receive information with the help of performance appraisals and monitor the process itself. It is a way to acquire management experience.
However, it is ethically correct to apply general methods and equal conditions to all the employees. It helps to prevent minor infractions in future and does not spread misbehavior among other employees. Moreover, the system mostly works for big companies, where it is easier to change an employee for another. They also have more financial, staff and time opportunities for improvement.
In conclusion we must admit progressive discipline system with its steps is highly effective within big companies. As far as smaller firms are concerned, they mostly apply verbal warning and termination for egregious violations.
Guerin, L. (2016). What Is Progressive Discipline for Employees? | Retrieved 7 May 2016, from
Bruce, S. (2014). Pros and Cons of a Progressive Discipline Program - HR Daily Advisor. HR Daily Advisor. Retrieved 7 May 2016, from