Domo is a stop motion animation which has been in character since 1998. It is a strange creature, which is believed to have hatched from an egg with its differentiating characteristic being the size and shape of its mouth. The saw-toothed mouth which is always open limits him from making understandable sounds other than one which is close to his name. Domo is the dominating character in the animation with assistance from Mr. Usaji a clever rabbit of old age and Tashana. She is a seventeen-year-old girl who highly desires to join the modeling and fashion world in Tokyo.
Domo has been renowned in the international market of internet and video games. He has an outstanding ability to feel and communicate his feelings with very limited words. His entertainment rating has as his feelings are brought about by situations and feelings other than conversations with other characters. Consequently, this is an outstanding character that makes him worth of a postage stamp honor (Weber, Rufer-Bach & Platel, 2008). The publicity of Domo and his animated self is evident in his five games which are watched and played worldwide including white-water Domo, Pro-Putt and Crash-Course Domo.
He is also involved in social games on Facebook with Planet Domo, which is driven by Go Animate. The existence of Domo from 1998 to date without becoming extinct or out dated in the revolving world is also another reason why he should be honored (Juxtapoz, 1999). He has been able to produce different characters in the animations which relate to the current situations and also remain by his initial standards. Honoring Domo with a postal stamp would, therefore, be an excellent idea, as he has remained the animation character of choice for most people.
Work cited
Weber, A., Rufer-Bach, K., & Platel, R. (2008). Creating your world: The official guide to
advanced content creation for Second life. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub.
Juxtapoz. (1999). San Francisco, CA: High Speed Productions