Generally, human resources (HR) management faces several challenges in the highly digital and technology enabled lives that we are living today. Public service HR management faces even greater challenges because of the regulatory framework that they are expected to work in and deliver. One of the biggest challenges that the public service HR management systems across the globe face today is technology and their inability to keep up pace with such technological advancements. Technology today has changed the way people work and the public service HR management maintain a constant vigil to keep up with the process of change and developments therein. However, they always seem to be a step behind in such effort. Technology has led to sourcing of talent globally, thus erasing almost permanently the international boundaries. Today, the public sector that is expected to work within intensely regulated framework face pressure of keeping up with contemporary HR practices.
The HR management also faces challenges in deployment and use of technology in their own functioning and are required to rely intensely on outsourced services to keep pace with the technological developments. This further leads to a lag in development of internal competence, which further leads to what is and what was in their working ecosystem, eventually resulting a downward spiral with almost never being able to catch up and be fully contemporary with technology that exists outside of that ecosystem. Technology is the prime driver of business processes globally and so it is even in the public sector environment too. The lack of internal competencies and dependence on outsourced technology management systems, among other things further challenges the public sector HR management systems. Technology being the foundation for delivery of service and almost every other aspect of work today, becomes the primary stumbling block in a public sector HR system.
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