I.T Investment
Over the decades since 1990’s, use and application of IT based management has been on the rise. Many companies have adopted the use of IT in running and boosting performance in the market. Competition sharply rises due to the new innovative Information Technology applications that greatly reduce costs and speeds up the business management process. It is difficult for firms to compete effectively without adopting such technologies in the business venture. This justifies attempts to investment in IT by many firms.
Cisco is a company that faces stiff competition in the production of networking and communication systems. It requires the use of technology driven processes in order to keep competition at an arm’s length as well as develop and expand in the market share. Cisco requires methods and ways that will rapidly coordinate its functions in various departments and branches. The company can only realize this through technology investment, which will improve and enable it achieve its target.
Among the benefits of investing in IT based management systems is the wider coverage of the technologies. It is able to cover all the departments and effectively execute similar tasks efficiently. Installation of IT enabled processes produces immediate results in that it leads to immediate improvement in operations and customer satisfaction due to the increased efficiency. Another reason that warrants the IT investment is that the technology enables consistency in execution of tasks. Similar tasks carried out in the firm are consistent since there is similarity in method and treatment applied to them. Monitoring of performance becomes easier with IT enabled processes. This brings about efficient performance appraisal and feedback. Immediate response to feedback is what draws the difference between a highly competitive firm and a laggard.
CISCO. Gain Strategic Advantages with Cisco ACE Application Control Engine. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/modules/ps2706/ps6906/solution_overview_c22-458820.html (accessed 09 2, 2012).
Mcfee, Andrew. Investing In the IT that Makes a Competitive Difference. London: Harvad Business Review, 2012.