In the recent past, the use of the internet has spawned a heated debate that has sent researchers and scholars in the field in search for the truth. Proponents for the use of the internet continuously propagate that online searching is the only way that keeps information flowing through our ears and eyes and into our minds. On the other hand, some scholars argue that the internet has weakened the capacity of deep reading for the majority and erased the ability of making mental connections and interpreting text. The intent of this paper is to compare and contrast various views in articles regarding the impact of internet on individuals.
The advantage of accessing the internet according to the article ‘ Is Google making us stupid’ is that it provides incredible access to information to many people. However, the author of the article argues that the internet reduces the ability of researching for information from the various periodicals found in the library. He attributes this to the availability of hyperlinks and shortcuts mostly found on the internet. In addition, the article provides experiences of students who used to concentrate on books and due to the availability of google, they find that they can no longer find the concentration of reading a maximum of three pages. Moreover, this is not the case in the article, ‘ internet is changing our minds’ which propagates that the internet has enabled people to keep in touch and instead of being detrimental, it has enhanced the mental capacity of most people. In the article, ‘ mind over mass media’ the author articulates the importance of internet in advancing the knowledge of various professionals. The two latter articles contradict the former by arguing that the internet does not reduce the attention span of an individual, but rather allows for further advancement of knowledge and mental capacity.
The article ‘Is Google making us stupid’ contains expressions that display concerns that artificial intelligence might seem to be a good idea at first but detrimental in the long term. This is because the brain is a tool that requires updating and continuous update in the process of development. The myriad concerns show that soon people might rely on the internet to do everything and the endeavor of analyzing, criticizing and searching for new information will be long forgotten by many people. The act of surfing and accessing unlimited information as offered by google might counteract the very act of obtaining information. Unlike the article ‘mind over mass media’ that propagates for the use of internet in self development and extensive research, the article ‘Is Google making us stupid’ explains that people might one day come to rely on the written information in the media rather than relying on the knowledge already obtained in their heads. In fact, the article continuously expresses concerns regarding the fact that the more people rely on the internet, the more they become forgetful since they cease to express their memory. The article ‘internet may be changing brains’ argues that the effects of the internet should not be underestimated as they can be both detrimental or positive while the article ‘Is Google making us stupid’ expressly states that the long term effects of relying solely on the internet are detrimental and cause mental weakness.
Perhaps what is common in the three articles is the fact that they propagate that the supply of information from the internet shapes the process of thought of various individuals. According to the article ‘Is Google making us stupid’ the author recognizes that immediacy and efficiency with which information is available in the internet affects to a large extent the process of thought. In addition, the supply of information from the internet just like books play a significant role in shaping the neural circuits of the brains. Results from experiments indicate that cognitive ability develop from reading, and the source of information does matter as long as the learner is ready to sharpen his or her skills. Similarly, the other two articles agree to a large extent that the internet allows for the development of cognitive abilities. In the article, ‘ internet may be changing brains’, there is no clear cause and effect of internet on individuals, but it is evident that the availability of social networking has impacted positively the human brain structure. The same reasoning has been put forward in the article ‘Is google making us stupid’. In the article, mind over mass media, IQ is said to have risen in the era of the introduction of television, rock videos and transistor radios. This implies that the availability of information has led to the development of mental capacity rather than weakening the interpretive ability. Therefore, the three articles agree that the brain continually breaks old connections and reprogram itself to embrace new functions.
While Google Company endeavors make the process of accessing information on the internet easier and faster, it is advisable to acknowledge both the positive and negative effects. The use of internet in the contemporary world is not only a necessity but a vital tool in sending, searching and receiving information. Today’s discoveries, extensive research and success in business is possible due to the extensive use of the internet. However, precaution should be taken so as not to rely entirely on the information in the media up to the point where it causes mental weakness and memory loss. Therefore, as much as the article ‘Is Google making us stupid’ expresses the disadvantages of using the internet, the articles ‘internet may be changing minds’ and ‘mind over mass media’ propagate the use of the internet as a tool for self development and advancement.