Misconceptions and Ways to Achieve It
Muscle building is much more difficult to achieve than most people believe; to be successful you must take several important steps. While everyone has their own personal fitness goals, losing weight or developing a muscular body, muscle build up is a necessary first step. My goal today is to inform the audience about some of the misconceptions people have about muscle build up, and to go over ways to build up your muscles.
One of the most common misconceptions, especially among women in my society is that going to the gym to build up their muscles will make them look masculine and ugly. They think that muscles will make their body curves disappear along with their femininity. Actually, muscle build up works exactly the opposite way. What girls do not realize is that no matter how much they exercise, or lift weights, their muscles will never equal those of men because their testosterone levels are not as high as those of men. Exercise will only make them stronger and healthier and their bodies will look gorgeous with or without clothes.
Another erroneous idea among girls is that they must consume unhealthy fats just to get their body parts to look big. They often engage in dirty bulking, eating in excess of 500 calories. Often their diet consists of sugars, fats and unhealthy carbohydrates. They think they are building muscle because they are getting heavy. According to a study, dirty bulking will only make the body get used to the fat which will be stored inside the muscle. Girls who choose this option will find that in the process, their metabolism will be damaged because their bodies become used to unhealthy caloric food.
Training is another important component of muscle build up. Some of its benefits include increased bone density, healthy joints, and increased self-esteem upon meeting realistic training objectives. It is also important to choose a training program and follow through until completion. The reason why it is necessary to maintain a constant steady routine is that it is the only way to measure the progress you have made.
The value of rest should not be overlooked. It is recommended that intense training session should be kept to three to four per week. Ideally you should have two days of complete rest.
Informative Speech
There are safe ways to build up muscles, but many people have erroneous ideas about this practice.
I. Would you believe that some people are afraid to build up their muscles because they may become unattractive?
II. Muscle building is a healthy activity. There are many reasons why people engage in muscle building even though it is more difficult than many people realize.
III. The purpose of my speech today is to dispel some common misconceptions about this activity, especially among girls. I will also outline safe ways to engage in muscle building.
IV. First, I will discuss the two most common misconceptions about muscle building and then I will briefly outline some correct ways to build up your muscles.
I have just said that some people are afraid of muscle building. Have you wondered why?
I. Many girls, especially in my society think that muscle building will make their bodies ugly.
A. They think they will lose their femininity.
B. They think their body curves will disappear.
II. Girls fail to realize muscle building does not have such negative effects.
A. Since girls do not have the same levels of testosterone as men, their muscles will never get as big as those of men no matter how much they exercise.
B. Muscle building will only make their bodies healthy.
C. Muscle building will make their bodies look beautiful.
III. Another common misconception is that they must consume unhealthy fats just to make their body parts big.
A. They engage in dirty bulking.
1. They consume sugars.
2. They consume unhealthy fats.
3. They consume unhealthy carbohydrates.
B. They only store fats inside their muscles.
C. They will end up damaging their metabolism.
IV. There are correct strategies to achieve good muscle build up.
A. You must eat a healthy diet.
1. You should consume one pound of protein for every pound of your weight.
2. Your diet needs to include sources of lean protein such as baked chicken, lean turkey or chicken and low-fat milk.
B. You must train constantly
1. Some of the benefits of training include increased bone density and healthy joints.
2. It is important to choose a training program and carry it out to its completion.
C. Get adequate rest.
1. There should be no more than four intense training sessions.
2. You should have two days of complete rest.
Concluding Remarks
I. Muscle build up is a beneficial activity.
a. Despite its benefits, some girls are apprehensive about muscle building’s effects on their bodies.
b. Muscle building can enhance body features.
c. You just have to use the correct strategies: eating a healthy diet, exercising and resting.
d. My purpose today has been to provide accurate facts about muscle building.
II. There are many rewarding benefits to muscle building: people gain confidence because their appearance improves; they become attractive to others and to themselves; and they engage in a healthy leisure activity.
Works Cited
Capesius, Siera . “Six Common Myths and Misconceptions About Female Fitness—Exposed.” Bodybuilding.com Boise, Id. 2015 Web. 9 March, 2016 http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/6-common-myths-and-misconceptions-about-female- fitness-exposed.html
Coleman, Erin. R. D., L.D. “ Protein & Balking up for Women.” Healthy Eating. Demand Media. Web 9 March, 2016. http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/protein-bulking-up-women- 3740.html
Deen, JC. “The Muscle Building Guide for Women.” JCD Fitness. 2010l. Web. 9 March, 2016.
“The 70/30 Approach to Weight Loss.” The Union Healthy Living. Swift Communications Inc. 2016. Web 9 March, 2016. <http://www.theunion.com/article/20100126/FEATURES/100129829#>