Humanity offers the unexpected in life. With the infection with PTSD, people get shined down from their normal state of mind. Post-traumatic stress disorder takes over a person’s life. PTSD is mostly common among the returning soldiers/Veterans. In this case, Caleb is a good example. Though, from the current research the disease is spreading and affecting family members such as kids and the spouse. For example, Brannan. They show the same symptoms over time.
I agree that PTSD causes amygdala attack making the patients to be over reactive to situations, interpreting it as a potential danger. Such situation could cause stress and discomfort to the family of the affected. It is clear that PTSD tortures trauma victims the most. It is blamed on poorly coded proteins and amygdala misbehaving. They give a false mentality of a person, for example, in the case he cannot be exposed to too much light as he thinks he can catch fire. Mostly, spouses of the veterans are diagnosed with secondary traumatic stress. Trauma is very contagious and can affect anyone in contact with the traumatized person. It can affect both children and adults. Children with these symptoms tend to have changed emotional behaviors and dysfunctional social orientation..
Financially, I agree that PTSD requires a lot of government funds to cure. This could also add to the traumatic condition if the patients don’t acquire the required assistance at the right time. Cases of PTSD are becoming rampant in the American homes. Care givers are being paid an amount ranging to $400 a week to keep the trauma patients in the right conditions, direct and give them drugs at the required time. Organization through use of volunteers is working to help reduce the effect of the disease in the society. Brannan, through use of volunteers, is spreading reading materials to schools. They enable teachers get the right information of what is required of them while dealing with PTSD children.
Socially I agree that PTSD has affected the social structures of the patients and the affected ones. Post-traumatic stress disorder has led to increase in a number of divorce rates in the American states. Brannan explains that though she is with the problem in her family she cannot divorce the husband. Reason being though the husband is in that condition he is her best friend, her rock, her first love and her daughter’s father. Although specialist claims that the traumatic effect can be reduced by EMDR, a technique that focus on decentralization, eye movement, and reprocessing therapy. There are claims that the traumatic events are poorly stored in the brain and can be removed or refined by discussing the memories by offering audio and visual stimulus. Lastly, researchers have stated that brain injury may make an individual more susceptible to PTSD. To treat PTSD is very expensive, though by showing the affected love and giving them hope can play a great deal in saving their lives.