1. Colorbilndness in its extreme meaning, signifying complete lack of person to see any color is very rare; hence the term becomes a misnomer. It is better defined as color vision deficiency which implies that an individual is unable to see the color correctly. These color vision deficiencies vary in their types and degrees. This deficiency is the resultant of faulty coding instructions for the light sensitive pigment present in cones. Cones are one of the constituents of retina of eye and are present in the retina center enabling the individual to see and differentiate between colors. Most common color vision deficiencies are green weakness or Deuteranomaly and red weakness or Protanomaly. Apart from red and green color deficiency, blue-yellow defect is also a color deficiency but it’s a very rare case.
It’s really interesting to know that colorblindness is heredity and though it is carried by X chromosome, the female usually have normal vision and remains a carrier only of colorblindness. The female due to presence of two X chromosome, remains a carrier unless both the chromosomes are defective whereas the male becomes color blind in case his mother is the carrier of the defective gene.
Color blinded people can’t differentiate between colors and see red color as green. It is really important to identify children with color deficiency as they are commonly regarded as careless or not attentive though the root of the problem may lie elsewhere. The color blindness test is an easy way to ascertain at the preliminary level the presence of this deficiency. The color blindness test displayed some figures almost merged with the background and those with normal eyes only can see the figures in different colors.
2. The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game comprising of three rods and five discs which are of different sizes ranging from smaller to larger. The game involves the movement of the discs to other rods in a defined number of moves, 7 in our case. The rule of the game is that the disc can be placed on top of only the larger size disc or on an empty rod. I started with interpreting the problem to have clarity on the nature of the problem and its dimensions.
The solution evaluation was the next step followed to solve the problem and the first one was to determine whether trial and error would be fit for this problem. However, considering that the discs have to be shifted from the rods in seven moves, this option doesn’t look promising. Hence, I decided against it and decided to apply other solution approach. Since this a mathematical puzzle, I assumed that the logic or algorithm approach would be the best to solve this puzzle. Without making actual moves, I started calculating the moves in my mind based on the given set of rules. The mental set for solving this problem was helpful as it enabled me to understand the type of problem. The experience has been a learning one as I solved the problem with the consciousness of mental process involved in the problem solving.
3. My top three strengths are kinaesthetic, Naturalistic, and visual or picture smart. The strengths I have obtained through the test do match my personality. While going through the test, I realized the things I prefer to do. It made me self-introspect and analyze myself enabling me to understand me better. I specifically got a little confused while responding to questions regarding music and though I consider music as the soother for nerves, I had to think for a moment to realize that I don’t consider music a mood elevator or for remembering things. Instead, I would prefer to walk or move while remembering the things. I also realized that though I am good at resolving conflicts with my friends, my ability to express myself in different ways are limited. Through this test, this has emerged as my weak area on which I would like to work enabling me to express myself better. Moreover, I am easily able to assess the changes in the feelings of people and can relate in my mind the causes for it which might have happened few hours back or few days back and this makes me good in interpersonal skills. I am picture smart as whenever I remember any instance; I visualize it and see it happening in my mind. This completely corresponds with my experience. The test also acclaims that I am naturalistic which is also quite true as I enjoy the nature and gets concerned over the environmental issues. The results of the test have been shockingly true to my personality and have also provided me a better knowledge of my strengths and areas of improvement.
4. The card trick removes the card which has been selected by the observer. However, the observer in the attempt to memorize his card better does not pay attention to the other cards in the stack displayed in the card trick. When the results appear and the chosen card doesn’t appear, the observer is compelled to believe in the card trick. However, the most important point escapes the attention of observer which is that all the cards get replaced and no card is similar to the previous stack. This is actually a mind game.
5. Two functions of the brain which I explored and learned are vision and hearing. Vision starts with the retina of the eye and from there the nerve impulse travel through the thalamus along the optic nerve to the occipital lobe where located are the visual processing centers. The visual cortex encompasses increased number of neurons in comparison to the remaining part of brain. The visual neurons are present in six layers which are stacked one above the other in columns. These columns respond to different inputs like movement in a single direction or a particular wavelength of light. Hearing starts from nerve carrying impulse from ear to auditory cortex located in temporal lobe and moves towards inferior colliculus which has the convergence site on the lower site which compares the strength and intensity of sound received at both ears.
6. My score is 90 which imply that my locus of control is internal. I consider that I have control over the events happening in my life and I can alter them as per my will. This makes me responsible towards my decisions and don’t accord it to luck or destiny. This makes me highly motivated, willing to take risks and to make efforts towards achieving my goals.
7. The video was about the schizophrenic person’s hallucinations, voices in their head and the studio mindstorm. The video is educative and make the audience understand the mental condition of schizophrenic persons. The confusion in their voices, the constant threat they receive about the things around them and the feelings which it arises in them is studied by the medical practitioners. A studio mindstorm has been designed which makes the healthcare and medical practitioners understand the feelings and emotions of the persons with schizophrenia. It is also launched for the police officers to enable them to understand the person better if they happen to meet such person. The video along with introducing the studio mindstorm also explains the symptoms of schizophrenia and their experiences beautifully.
This video left me amazed over the things which are experienced by the schizophrenic persons and the concluding statement that the simulators end but the real life problem for schizophrenic persons never ends definitely stirs an emotion. The video overall is a great watch and presents extremely useful insight on the disease, the life of persons with these diseases and the attempt of the drug company to make medical practitioners and police officers understand their situation better.