Until the recent extensive campaigns advocating exclusive breastfeeding for six months, many people, I included, had not known the value of breastfeeding. People viewed breastfeeding as optional, demanding on a mother and mainly a preserve for the less fortunate families who could not afford substitutes. Some women also hold the opinion that breastfeeding affects their image by interfering with the structure of their busts, and also the exposure of the breasts in public is frowned upon by new mothers.
Following the lessons from this course, I have learned that there is no proper substitute for breast-milk (Brooks, 2014). The nutrients in beast-milk are balanced according to the child’s health needs. It also requires no preparation unlike other supplements like formula milk, which might also expose the child to infections if strict hygiene standards are not followed. The psychological effect of breastfeeding was also a great lesson for me. During breastfeeding, the mother and child bond. Bonding is crucial for the emotional development of the child and also for the future relationship between mother and child.
Initially, I was of the view that formula milk was a perfect substitute to breast-milk. However, according to RALPH, breast milk is more superior since studies show that apart from the nutrients, mothers pass anti-bodies to a child through breast-milk (2014). Breast-milk also changes its nutrient content according to the age of the child. Furthermore, it protects the child from obesity and possible future diabetes.
It is, therefore, learned for health professionals to provide the community with adequate information on benefits of breastfeeding and how to manage breastfeeding. I have learned the guidelines on breastfeeding, which, when applied by mothers, would make their feeding more effective and minimize possible challenges. Kohnle (2014) advises on a balanced diet, increased fluid intake and additional calories. Such information should be shared with the community to ensure children get a healthy start.
In my future work with the community, I would like to share with the community the importance of giving children a good start through adequate breastfeeding; I would share with them on the benefits of breast-milk and also dispel wrong perceptions and myths on breastfeeding.
Brooks, A. (2014). Breast is Best- Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby. 10 October, 2014. http://blogs.ext.vt.edu/eatsmart-movemore/2013/10/10/breast-is-best-benefits-of breastfeeding-for-mom-and-baby/ Accessed 16 November, 2014.
Kohnle D. (2014). Health Tip: Do's and Don'ts While Breastfeeding. abc NEWS. 23 March, 2014. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Healthday/story?id=4508676&page=1. Accessed November 16, 2014.
RALPH (2014). Breast vs. Bottle. http://www.ralphmag.org/CK/1breast-vs-bottle.html. Accessed 16 November, 2014.