Service design is a discipline started around 1990 that aimed at improving the quality of services offered and the relationship between customer and the service provider. This design was adopted with time and it became a profession with its first studio in London. The system was later adopted in the international design research, education and professional community. Due to its widespread, various research has been done on the service design. This research has been done on the explored motivations for the emergence of the field, individual service design methods, and specific dimensions of service design (including service system design, service experience design) or into specific typologies of services such as collaborative or relational services.
Few researches have been done on the implementation and impact of the design project. A significant one being on experience based on health care methods. Designers have been criticized for their supposed lack of attention to economy and to organizational issues and culture. For this reason a Design Commission report was written. The commission states how designers need to pull up in their socks if they are to deliver their designed innovation effectively to their clients. Also, research is being carried out on how the service design projects can be improved and better implemented. This research is mainly to understand how the design can be well advertised and accepted and its knowledge spread(Sangiorgi, Daniela & Alison, 68).
Research that focused on the development of new products has showed that service design is a described generally as a phase within the new service development (NSD). Service design has simply been described as an architectural process. Service innovation is generally described as doing something new and developing it until it becomes accepted and applied to an organization, a market or a society. Service innovation can be reflected on the emergence of four perspectives;
As technologists: This is based on the use of technology as the main innovation source.
As assimilation: This considers the innovation using models and metrics.
As demarcation: This mode highlights on the mode of behavior of the service design.
As synthesis: This approach recognizes how the learning can bring up aspects and dimensions of the innovations within manufacturing.
The innovation through service descries the functions of the Knowledge Intensive Business service (KIBS). KIBS are described as being based on the professional knowledge. They are known to directly create intermediary products using the known knowledge. KIBS is thus known to function as facilitator, to be the source of innovation and help to form a symbiotic relationship with the client. There are three approaches in understanding what service research is. The first approach perceives service as a category in the marketing offering activities. The second approach refers to service as an activity based on value creation. The final approach is based on service being a perspective on the provider’s activities (Sangiorgi, Daniela & Alison, 70).
The first approach has guided the demarcation studies which aim at looking at properties of services at specific levels. The second and third approaches adopt the synthetic and integrative perspective, which concentrates more on value creation than the physical goods. This approach simply views value as not being an object or a person, but as one which is found in the interactions and actions acquired by the resource. When aiming to design and be successful in it, one has to aim to measure, classify the service innovation and explain fully the formalization of the processes in comparison with the knowledge of its interactive and tangible nature. Service Innovation is strongly attached to traditional organization setting.
Works Cited
Sangiorgi, Daniela, and Alison Prendiville. "A Theoretical Framework for Studying Service Design Practices: First Steps to a Mature Field." Design Manag J Design Management Journal 9.1 (2014): 61-73. Web.