Research paper
A research paper is researching on a given topic and writing down relevant findings and facts expelling what the research entails. The paper is always written in essay format. The facts and findings are original research review or results that can also give a totally new invention. The paper requires a lot of reading and therefore needs guideline on how to go about it.
The first stage is to discover, narrow and focus the ideas on the researchable topics. The stage requires deep understanding of the topic under the research. The topic the one select should be interesting and simple for the researcher. One consult for more information concerning the topic from the tutor or classmates. The second stage is to find, select, and read relevant sources that describes about the topic under research. There are different sources of information that can be used to find related ideas as the research question. These include books, journals, magazine and online sources. Bibliography and library catalogue can also be used for getting information for the research paper. The third stage is to group relevant information together and in sequential order. After which the information should be documented. The researcher should have system for writing down the sources of information, a system for acquiring the notes and finally a system for organizing the sources according to their relevancy.
The fourth step is to write a clear outline and prospectus of the research. The outline should describe what the topic is all about. The significant of the research is also summarized in the outline. Background materials that are important are stated according to their relationship with the topic. A strong thesis and a propose statement is then written. Thesis is used to summarize the research paper at the first instance and shows what the research paper is all about.
The fifth step is to write the introduction of the research paper. The introduction should entails the relevant contextual or background material. If it is necessary, terms and concept are defined in the introduction. The objective or focus of the research papers is explained, Specific purpose of the paper is also give in a clear details. The plan of organization of the research paper should also be revealed at the introduction part.
The sixth step that is very important and requires a lot of concentration is writing the body of the research. The body requires use of prospectus and outline as flexible guides. The essay is built around the points that one wishes to make. The relevant sources of information are integrated into the discussion. Summary, analysis, explanation and evaluation of published work is done in the sixth stage.
Finally, the last stage is to write conclusion. It is essential to summarize the points and arguments of the paper especially if the paper is complex. The significance of the findings are also give at the last sage. Suggestion on what should need research further is given in the conclusion stage.
Once the paper is complete, the writer/researcher should revise the final draft. The revision involves checking the overall organization of the paper such as coherence, general flow of the introduction, depth of the body, and conclusion. The sequence of ideas, paragraphs, and topic is confirmed for flawless.