Conservation of Coral Reefs on the benthic environment
Coral reef is a natural resource found in the benthic (ocean floor) environment. This great natural occurring resource happens to hold up an extraordinary geological, biological and economic role. Such is the case that coral reefs support a rich diverse assemblage of more than 5000 species (Warner, 2009). In addition, these exceptional resources serve to protect the shorelines of countries from erosion and tropical storms. From what has been discussed, it is obvious that coral reefs play an important role in the well being of the people living on the costal shores. Also, it has been found out that coral reef offers a good environment for recreation, scientific research, public inspiration and fisheries. Today, coral reefs existence is threatened as the oceans become more and more polluted following human-based land contamination. This has resulted from human activates which include poor method of fishing, construction activities taking place along the shores of the oceans and even pollution exuding from industries situated along water bodies. Having all the above, it is thus important to come up with a program plan that will work to facilitate ecosystem-driven adaptive management program to ensure the sustainability of these noble resource. The following work illustrates the action plan and time duration for management of these noble resource.
Action Item
Order Of Action Items
Action steps
Establishing the
Vision, mission statement and
the goals for the plan
Find out the problems affecting coral reef conservation and establish the main action for remedy that will be explained in a sentence called vision.
Come up with long-term plans, defined mission that will take more than five years, to bring about Coral Reef Conservation Plan’s mission. Establish plans strategies, and objectives that will take less than five years to fulfill CRCP’s goals.
Month 1- 4
Month 1 -4
Setting proper work on plan
Identification of Coral Reef Conservation Plan Capacity
Obtain, maintain and improve proper staffing levels, technological resources, funding, and operational and programmatic capability regarding Coral Reef Conservation Plan, paying attention on ways to ensure expansion of conveniences and employees to carry resource management actions
Establish and put into action favored supervision alternatives with regard to conservation of coral reefs that take in appropriate legal authority to achieve CRCP’s assignment.
Encourage, organize, and follow a line of investigation, mapping and monitoring, to encourage coral reef protection and management by the way of improved appreciation of ecosystem level, characterizations and environmental processes (Warner, 2009).
Month 5-12
Creating awareness
Education and Outreach
Carry out research and Expanding upon accessible land-based sources of pollution education and outreach efforts.
Incorporate the most recent science regarding climate change and ocean acidification into education and outreach activities.
Growing awareness of appropriate federal, state and local policy.
Integrate and monitor data results into outreach strategies and education to notify stakeholders about impacts on resources and recommend abatement procedures.
Month 12 – 24
Real work
Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation
Build up and apply an adaptive organization policy for coral reef ecosystem, aimed at protecting, and where applicable, restoring innate oceanic habitats, ecological processes and population (Agarsdy, 1997).
Lessen continual and severe stressors to reef wellbeing as far as land sources of contamination and impacts from fishing boating, and other uses are concerned.
Reduce and, where achievable, get rid of localized human-induced environment destruction resulting from costal construction activities and maritime industry.
Encourage establishment and discharge of a widespread system of marine protected zones in areas where Reef Tract exist to allow reef recuperation within secluded zones and sustain reef resilience to stressors (Agarsdy,1997).
Outsource the assistance of the federal, state and local regulatory agencies to advance agency organization and conformity to, and enforcement of, present laws (for example, fisheries regulations , Clean Water Act, Coral Reef Protection, Endangered Species Act listings and associated rules, Act).
Month 24 - 40
Assessment of results and recommendations
Evaluation of the plan effectiveness
Recommendation on possible future measures to ensure sustainability of the coral reefs
Follow up program execution to find out if it has been effected as proposed
Compile report on the results and recommendations
recommend additional measures to be taken
Propose the implementation of new supervision measures established to stop and react to reef injuries.
Propose new methods of Conducting research activities and training that will lead to improved understanding and ability to assess, reinstate and mitigate factors leading to reef injuries. Coral Reef Conservation
Recommend the establishment of measures to maintain and, where achievable, reinforce agency capability and authorities to protect coral reefs.
Month 41-42
Warner, R. (2009).Protecting the Oceans beyond National Jurisdiction: Strengthening the International Law Framework. New York: RILL.
Agarsdy, T.S. (1997).Marine Protected Areas and Ocean Conservation. London: Academic Press.