New draft convention supply chain security
The custom business has relentlessly maintained supply chain security. However, the risk of losing cargo remains a pressing concern. Adopting a new draft convention on supply chain security would evoke very few legal obligations compared to the benefits that the company would enjoy after signing this document. Since this document ensures the smooth running of customs department after the Johannesburg convention, I would vote for the signing of the document by the Director-General (Harris, 2005). Besides, the World Customs organization (WCO) recommend this document and such an arrangement would secure the organization guidelines on security from the overall crimes that are rampant in the customs department (Bhattacharyya, 2008). Some include terrorism, distraction and many more as well as increasing supply chain security. Finally, it would give a better understanding of existing and newly formed legislation in the custom business.
A recommendation on environmental matters
As the legal advisor of the customs administration, the adaptation of the recommendation on environmental factors would be a smart move for the whole organization. It has been voted for in the parliament that this recommendation is a protection system for human rights (Chiang, 2010). In Europe, it is mandatory to present this document to the concerned authorities so if business is to be expanded to such areas in the near future, it would be better to sign these document then rather than later lest it is forgotten and business is disrupted. It also keeps the company from environmental defilation since it will be already complying with environmental protection. The deal closer is that it provides guiding points to applying existing accounting directives regarding environmental information (Chiang, 2010).
Cancun conference outcomes on climate change
It is rumored that the Cancun conference was only a forum made by the developed countries to ensure that the developing countries produced less green house gases (2012). This was for the benefit of developed countries to reduce the emission of green house gases to compensate for the gas emission in developed countries. It should however be noted that climate change is the most serious threats facing humanity today (2012). Thus in my point of view that despite the politicking and the rumor mills involved, it is for the best interest to human kind to involve the customs administration in playing their part in making this world a safer place and be a part of preventing natural disasters from taking over the planet making so many families safer.
A declaration on the use of detection technology
Agents involved in ensuring that the country is kept secure from biological distraction would be the most probable beneficiaries of such technology. Since the custom department is in the core of such obligations, this above all would be the most necessary next taken by the Director-Management. With the growing production of new biotechnological agents due to growing technology and terrorism, this would be new a smart security measure to venture (2008). Actions must then be taken to reduce the risk of biological agents being transferred across border customs under the nose of agents. This technology is necessary because if such a case occurred, the custom department would be taken into account for not taking necessary precautions to protect the affected areas and the lives of people, which would be then inevitably permanently destroyed (2008). Thus, it is advisable to consider such a document while attending the WCO.
Reference List
Harris D. J., 2005. Cases and Materials on International Law. University of Canberra
Bhattacharyya, B., 2008. Trade liberalization and national security in the context of
WTO framework. Conflict and Peace in South Asia 5, pp.299-313
Chiang, C., 2010. Insights into current practices in auditing environmental matters.
Managerial Auditing Journal, 25 (9), pp.912 - 933
Buhr, B and Hjerpe,M., 2012. Expectations on corporate climate action under regulatory
uncertainty. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and
Management, 4 (4)
2008. Corus Redeem® detects radioactive contamination in sheep, scrap metals,
landfill sites and mass transit systems. Sensor Review, 28 (3)