- Happenings in the Social Media Environment
- Social Media Facts
There are certain facts on social media that are elemental in the social media environment. It is important for people to understand these facts (Zhou, Qian, & Ma, 2012, p. 18). Firstly, as of January 2014, around 74% of adults with access to online devices use sites of social networking. 19% of the online adults use twitter as of the same period. As of September 2013, 22% of online adults use LinkedIn, 21% of them use Pinterest, 17% use Instagram while 71% of them use Facebook ("Social Networking Fact Sheet | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project," n.d.). As of May 2013, 62% of men were users of the sites of social networking as compared to 74% of women. The use of sites of social networking among the young adult users of the internet aged 18-29 years increased from 9% to 49% between February 2005 and August 2006. The rise in the use of cell phones especially smart phones enhanced the use of social media networks. 40% of individuals with cell phones fully access social network platforms on their phones with 28% doing so on typical days. Social media include curating and creating activities with 56% performing at least one of the activities and 32% performing both curating and creating activities("22 Social Media Facts and Statistics You Should Know in 2014 - Jeffbullas's Blog," n.d.).
The adoption and use of smart phones among the teens increases substantially with mobile access to the internet being pervasive. Most of the teens access the social network platforms using their phones more often than with other devices such as laptops or desktop computers. From a survey in 2013 that included 802 teens aged 12-17 years, 78% of teens have cell phones with 47% of these phones being smart phones("Teens and Technology 2013 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project," n.d.). This data translates to 37% of teens owning smart phones, which is an increase from the 2011 23%. One among four teens has a tablet, translating to 23% of the teens having a comparable level to the adult population in general ("Digital Divides and Bridges: Technology Use Among Youth | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project," n.d.). Access to cell phones is continually increasing among the teens especially the smart phones, which are elemental access points for the social media networks. About 74% of teens access the internet on their smart phones, other mobile devices and tablets. Older girls are most likely to use the internet more with 34% of them aged 14-17 years accessing internet on their phones as compared to 24% of teen boys in a similar age bracket("Digital Divides and Bridges: Technology Use Among Youth," n.d.).
Communication technologies have variant effects on the social media environment and the general environment (Gould, 2004, p. 8). Communication technologies create costs and opportunities. The trend is that new technologies create competitive pressures for larger and efficient organizations. The impact suggests that the technology needs the rethinking of every aspect of non-profit organization or operation. Some of the opportunities include potentiality in the use of websites, e-mails and computers. On the other hand, costs include staff and management investment required to use technology efficiently and effectively ("Best Practice Briefs," n.d., p. 6). There are several impacts of communication technologies on non-profit organizations. Firstly, the non-profit boards of directors and staff will have to make accountability a key strategic priority, continuously advocate quality improvement and install result-based strategies. Non-profits will continually monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of innovations and models. The non-profits will also affiliate with professional or umbrella associations, which form baseline standards for required accountability and promote professional reputation.
The purpose of the consolidated plan is to describe the proposed activities, priorities, resources and needs of the community in a five-year period from August 2014 to 2015. The Hope for Success project can satisfy the needs and priorities of the Tulsa community in several ways. Satisfaction of these needs involves dealing with the challenges facing the Tulsa community. Potential goals for Tulsa community include creating a suitable living environment, providing economic opportunities and providing decent and affordable housing. Challenges also cover aspects of employment, training and education ("City of Tulsa Grants Administration CONSOLIDATED PLAN NEEDS ASSESSMENT AUGUST 2014," n.d., p. 18). The Hope for Success organization reaches the Tulsa youth through mentoring and educational programs. The organization provides educational services, which include literacy classes, tutoring programs and after school programs among others. The Hope for Success has come up with Career Development and Entrepreneur Centers to assist the youth to develop professional skills in communication and writing to increase their employment opportunities. Outreach services aim to provide lifestyle mentorship and training and assist the individuals meeting their income requirements with housing. These services include youth conferences, living skills, whole person training and housing facilities.
The public opinion has a significant effect on the project of Hope for Success. The trend or opinion exists in the demand for greater accountability where many philanthropic and governmental funders explore alternatives to practices. Donors are developing an interest in venture philanthropy, directed at the change of systems. The effect to non-profits like Hope for Success is that the project will be needed to show clear relationships between their investments and their identifiable benefits to the societies.
22 Social Media Facts and Statistics You Should Know in 2014 - Jeffbullas's Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.jeffbullas.com/2014/01/17/20-social-media-facts-and-statistics-you-should-know-in-2014/
Best Practice Briefs. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://outreach.msu.edu/bpbriefs/issues/brief15.pdf
Digital Divides and Bridges: Technology Use Among Youth | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.pewinternet.org/2012/04/13/digital-divides-and-bridges-technology-use-among-youth/
Digital Divides and Bridges: Technology Use Among Youth. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/PewInternet/digital-divides-and-bridges-technology-use-among-youth?redirected_from=save_on_embed
Gould, D. (2004). Writing a Media Analysis. Retrieved from http://http://www.ccmc.org/sites/default/files/WorkingPaper2.pdf
Social Networking Fact Sheet | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheets/social-networking-fact-sheet/
Teens and Technology 2013 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/03/13/teens-and-technology-2013/
Zhou, A., Qian, W., & Ma, H. (2012). Social media data analysis for revealing collective behaviors. doi:10.1145/2339530.2339746